Fourteen (Nolan)

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"Just fuck off, okay?" I say to Mason while scooping Kaelin into my arms. In her sleep, she is so innocent, so pure looking. Her ever present scowl is softened into a slight smile. Her eyebrows are not pinched together in a look of anger.

"I want to help." He says. "She is my girlfriend, after all." I snap my gaze up to him at those words. He doesn't know a fucking thing about her. And she may have been in his arms, but that doesn't mean they're dating. She's never told me about him. I vaguely remember them together a year ago but a lot has changed.

"No, she's not." I spit. "If you want to help, you can go jump off a bridge." I start to walk up the stairs to her bedroom. The stairs creak slightly under my feet. I sigh in frustration when I hear Mason's steps behind me.

I nudge open the door to her bedroom. I gently lay her on her bed and pull the blankets up to her chin. She looks so vulnerable, with tear stains on her cheeks and makeup smeared around her eyes.

"So." The annoying fucker's voice says as he leans on the wall beside her bed. "Who is she to you?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"She's my girlfriend." I answer with a smirk. I can see the fury radiated off of him. If he thinks that my girl is dating him, he's got another thing coming. Kaelin is mine. She's my kitten, and I'm not planning on sharing. Especially with this asshole.

"Back off, she's mine." He growls. Kaelin mumbles in her sleep, causing us both to snap at gazes to her. The mumbling is barely audible. The key word is barely.

"Nolan don't... Mason don't... I'm so... Alone..." I almost didn't catch the last word.

"Shut up, will you?" I hiss. He glares at me but nods. We both continue to watch Kaelin sleep.

Ten minutes later, she awakes with a scream. I share a glance with Mason. Only one of us can comfort her. I'm not letting that fucker go anywhere near my girl. She may not know it yet, but I love her. She's so perfect in all ways. My girl is flawless and doesn't give a rat's ass about what anyone thinks of her.

He comes to the same conclusion as I do. We both lunge towards Kaelin. However, I didn't anticipate Mason's next move. He shoves me over with his foot while making it appear like an accident to an oblivious Kaelin. I stumble away from the bed and balance myself by placing a hand on the wall. By the time I look back, that son of a bitch has his arms around Kaelin.

"It's okay." He whispers. "You're okay." She hides her face further in his chest. A pang of jealousy shoots through me. That could be me. Where did this Mason guy even come from? Seriously, where?

I'll get my answers. Even if I have to beat the living shit out of him.

"Nolan, why is your face all scrunched up?" Kaelin asks. I notice that she slightly pushes Mason away from her. I smirk in triumph.

"I was worried about you," I say. "I didn't want my little kitten getting sick." Her face scrunched up adorably when I said 'kitten'. I smile and shove my hands in my pockets. I don't know what it is about her, but whenever I'm with her, my heart feels like it's ready to burst out of my chest. She's so beautiful. So perfect.

"Oh,"  She says. "Well, you both should go, my mom will be home soon. Unless, of course, you want to stay for dinner, Mason?" She turns and smiles at him. "The Hunters are coming over for dinner, would you like to join us?"



She wasn't supposed to invite that fucktard. That's our thing. And now she's going to be talking and laughing with him that whole time. Anger radiates off of me in waves.

And it only gets worse when Mason smiles at me evilly. "Yes, I would love too. Nolan and I have become such good friends." He says. I love Kaelin, but her oblivious smile and hug she gives Mason are just stupid. He said that so sarcastically, but she was to busy staring at his abs.

"Well then, get out of my room, I have to get..." She gives me a nervous glance, probably remember that stupid text Axel sent her from my phone. He even used my pet name for her! She's probably so creeped out. I'm going to kill Axel next chance I get.

Mason smiles and gets off her bed. "We'll be downstairs. Let's go Nolan." I glare at him but reluctantly follow him downstairs. Kaelin closes the door behind us. Mason and I get down the stairs. He grins at the sight of her beautiful living room and kitchen.

"Damn I missed this place." He turns and gives me a smirk. I scowl at him. He takes a seat on the love seat in the living room. I plop down on the couch across from him.

"Don't get comfortable, I can promise that you won't be staying long." I say, a plan formulating in my head. I will get him out of her life.

"Oh but I will." He slings an arm over the back of his chair. "Maybe I'll let you third wheel with Kaelin and I sometime." His eyes glint with amusement. If he's trying to get under my skin, which I'm sure he is, it's working. When Kaelin and I are dating, he will not be near us. Ever. I don't ever want to see his ugly ass face again.

"Her mom will be home soon," I say while pulling out my phone. "You better plead to every god there is that she likes you... As well as she likes me anyways." It's his turn to clench his fists and glare at me. He mutters curses and insults, but I just scroll through my Instagram, ignoring him. This makes him angrier.

But at that moment, a creaking sound is heard from the stairs. We both stand up as fast as we can. I don't forget to glare at him, as he does me. This guy is serious about my kitten, to bad he doesn't stand a chance. She's my kitten, after all.

Kaelin looks amazing. Her blonde hair is pulled back with a few strands hanging out. She's wearing a blood red dress, one that I've never seen before. It's tight and hugs her in all the right places. Its a typical Kaelin outfit, but I wouldn't have her any other way. She is simply stunning.

"What are you guys looking at?" She growls. Hockey girl is back. Her neutral face is replaced by a scowl.

"Nothing!" Mason squeaks, while scratching the back of his neck. I smirk, what a pussy.

"You." I say, stepping forward and kissing her hand. Pink tinges her cheeks. I love it when she blushes like that. "Kaelin you look absolutely stunning." She grins. I stare into those beautiful blue irises and notice that there's a patch of green on her right eye. Even with it, she's my definition of perfect.

"My mom's home." She blushes while hiding her face by turning away. "Let's go greet her."

Let's see if Mason is as charming as he thinks he is.


I don't normally right in a guy's point of view so please tell me how it was. Annnddddd we're about to have a stand off :D

Please vote and comment blah blah blah see you soon. Love y'all.


"They voted right?" Ayden whispers.

"If they didn't I'll kick their-" Kaelin begins but Alessia cuts her off.

"Shut up! Hey lovelies please vote! I love you all so very much, but I'm afraid something is going to happen to me very soon that you won't like!blame the author not me! Lots of love!" Alessia ends her phrase with a smile.

"Alessia. What are you talking about?"Kaelin asks with one eyebrow arched.

"You'll find out." Alessia winks.

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