Twenty - Five

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Tom Hollland as Cole...

"That is one big ass mansion." Hannah says. I laugh lightly in spite of things. This is probably a suicide mission. If we get caught... I don't even want to think about what would happen.

Hannah, being the fucking badass that she is, had pocket knives, gun holsters and quite a wide array of guns an ammunition. Oh, and some leather jackets because why not. We both changed into ripped black jeans with black tops and leather jackets.

The plan is basically to walk through the doors and pretend we belong. I know it's stupid, but I'm not a killer, nor would I be able to overpower most of the people in the mansion. Hannah was all for shooting anything that moves, but one scolding glance from me put an end to that dream.

"Let's go." I say. Hannah nods and we both casually walk up to the mansion. Just as we reach the door, it opens and a group of guys walk out. I look around for a spot to hide but it's way to late.

Hannah is a fast thinker. "Hey what's up?" She says with a flirty smile. Their eyes scan her body before smiling back at her. I stand slightly behind her because I'm worried they will recognize me. There are three of them in total, so, hopefully, if it turns into fight, Hannah and I will have a chance.

"How come we haven't seen you two around? I could have sworn I knew everybody." One of them says with a glance my way. He's cute I guess, with his styled brown hair and defined face. But damn did these boys have nice bodies.

"We don't come here very often," Says Hannah. "I'm Kayla and this is Bridget."

Bridget? I want to laugh at the name she has come up with. I don't, however, because all eyes have turned to me now. I decide to try and act like a naive, always happy girl.

"Always hated my name, but hello." I say with the best smile I can muster. My palms are sweaty. Fuck.

"Well," Says the same guy. "We better get going ladies." I smile, but the look one of them is giving me makes my blood run cold. He knows. Hannah doesn't realize because she continues flirting with the obvious leader of the three of them.

His lips slowly curve into a smirk. I think of the only thing I can.

I run up and throw my arms around his neck. His shock gives me the edge which is all I needed. I let go and shove him onto the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I say with fake shock. "I didn't mean to knock you over!" His two companions look at me before going to help out their friend. As soon as their backs turn, I grab Hannah's hand and pull her into the mansion. I slam and lock the door behind us.

"Come on!" She yells. We sprint through hallways and go down every set of stairs that we can. I figure that she's probably being kept in the basement, but I honestly have no idea.

Being hockey players on a small team has built our endurance to the level that we can alternate between sprinting and jogging for fifteen minutes. We check door after door, searching everywhere for Annika and Axel. We're definitely doing this for Annika, but we might as well try and find him while we're at it.

I open a door frantically because I know the longer we're here the lesser our odds of getting out. I gasp. Inside the room is Dryden and a few other guys plus Axel and Annika. Axel is bloody, beaten and laying on the ground while Dryden is hugging a distraught Annika to his chest. All heads turn to me as I stare at the scene in front of me.

"Hey did you find - fuck." Hannah says from behind me. Annika turns her wide, crazed green on eyes on Hannah and I.

Hannah and I step into the room before I shut the door behind us. I'm hoping to solve this without any fighting yet I have no idea how I'm going to do that.

"Let her go you son of a bitch." Hannah snarls. I grab her arm to stop her from tackling Dryden. I take a moment to examine Annika. Her long brown hair is in tangles down her shoulders and she is clearly uncomfortable with Dryden's arm around her. Tears continue to fall down her tear stained cheeks as she looks at her unconscious brother.

"Why would I?" Says Dryden in Annika's ear. "She's my girl."

His girl? Is that why she is sobbing and trying to get as far as possible from him? Better yet, is that why her brother lay bloody and bruised on the floor?

"The fuck she is," Hannah growls. "Let her go."

I take a step forward and immediately the three other guys in the room tense. I kneel down and put my ear to Axel's mouth. Sighing in relief when I feel his breath tickle my ear, I stand back up.

The door flies open and the three guys that Hannah and I duped stand there. I whip my head back around to look at Dryden.

"We're going to settle this like grown ups." I growl. "Here's what's going to happen, you're going to let Annika go, we're going to get Axel some medical attention, then we'll sort this out." Dryden laughs at this.

"And why would we listen to you?" Dryden asks. He pushes Annika to one of the guys with him and steps closer to me. "Let's get one thing straight, our house, our rules. Now you're going to sit your ass right here until Mason gets here."

"No. I'm not." I say with an equal amount of intensity.

"If you fucking touch me I'm going to stab your eyes out and feed them to my dog." Hannah snarls as the ring leader of the group of three attempt to restrain her.

"Cole, take her and this one with you," Dryden says while nodding at me. "We already texted Mason, he's on his way."

Two guys step towards me. I react by quickly stepping back. I move slightly closer to Hannah because whenever I don't know what the fuck to do, she does.

Well, usually she does. Apparently not today.

Her foot connects with the leader's groin before she makes a break for the door. He falls to the floor with a thump and a moan of pain. I'm tempted to laugh, but the situation is too serious. I follow her of course, but I barely get two steps before a large, warm hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

Cole manages to shove Hannah against the door and pin her there. That's when the curse words start pouring out of her mouth. I don't really want to repeat what she said because it would make any sailor proud.

The guy holding me drags me out of the room.

That's when I lose it. I'm sick and tired of being dragged around like a fucking child and being treated like a trophy. I'm more than that, and I refuse to be treated this way. Honestly, I'm so fucking done.

I close my hand into a fist before swinging it as hard as I can at his nose. Feeling his nose crack makes me feel sort of bad, but it vanished as soon as it appeared. I turn to help Hannah,but she has already knocked Cole out cold.

"It's a shame he's on their side... he's pretty cute." She says with a smile at his unconscious form.

"Really Hannah?"

"What?" She replies before slipping a piece of paper into his pocket.

"Did you really just do that?"

"How else is he going to call me if he doesn't have my number?"

"You're un-fucking-believable." I laugh before pulling out my brass knuckles. I'm done playing nice.

"And that's why I'm going to kick Dryden's ass." Hannah grins.


Thanks for reading :) love you guys with all my heart <3 credits to jambalaya77 for being my bestfriend and helping me out with this chapter :D

-Court <3

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