Forty - One

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After breakfast, I had one last stop to make before the airport.

I found myself walking there from my house before I even knew where I was going. I guess, in a way, it is fitting that I would meet the girls there for one last team meeting.

The rain begins to pelt my shoulders as I walk down the sidewalk. I used to never like the rain, but now, as it soaks through my hair and drips onto my nose, I can't help but enjoy it. The way it creates puddle for kids to stomp in and the way it causes people to rush around looking for raincoats and umbrellas is so beautiful. The rain does not go unnoticed by anyone.

I reach my destination; Diane's Café, the place where it all started. How stupid and naive we all were back then.

I pull the door open and take a deep breath. A strong aroma of freshly baked pastries and hot coffee fills my nose. A warmth spreads through my entire body despite me being soaked to the bone. This place is so familiar to me and nothing but happiness finds me when I walk in here

Diane comes out from the back room with a neutral face that breaks into a huge smile when she sees me. "Kaelin! You're finally back."

She rushes around the counter and throws her arms around me. I chuckle and hug her back. "Yes, I am back."

"I take it you're getting your usual?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No, Ayden and Hazel aren't coming today. So two coffees, two French Vanillas and-"

"-A hot chocolate with extra whipped cream." Diane gives me a dimpled smile.

She heads back around the counter and begins making drinks. "Where is everyone else?"

I drag a chair closer to the counter so I can talk to her without yelling across the cafe. "Everyone?"

"Well Nolan, Axel and... Ethan! And... You know, the others." Diane laughs. I lower my gaze, I can't go anywhere without Nolan following me.

"They're not coming. Girls only tonight."

"Ah, what a shame. I always loved seeing you two together." Diane smiles.

I fiddle with my fingers in my lap. Yeah, me too Diane.

The door of the cafe swings open and the first words I hear are, "Fuck off Cole! How could you forget the fucking card?"

Ah, nothing like the calm words of Hannah to bring peace to a troubled soul. Sometimes I'm convinced they created the word serenity because they decided Hannah's vocabulary was too perfect to be called plain peaceful.

"I'm going to pull out your motherfucking tongue." She sighs in annoyance.

I turn around and see Cole playfully poking Hannah's nose. "Go ahead and try it, little munchkin."

I laugh, causing both of their heads to whip towards me. "Kaelin!" Hannah exclaims and walks forwards to give me a giant hug.

I stand up and embrace her tightly. "I see things are going well for Cannah."


"Cole plus Hannah. Cannah."

"I really dislike you right now." Hannah groans. "You're like an annoying little sister!"

Before I can reply, Alessia enters the shop with Katrina and Trinity by her side. Sometimes it startles me that everyone looks exactly the same as they used to. I have changed so much over this past year, I guess a part of me thinks everyone else should have changed as well.

"There she is," Trinity smiles. "Our big grown up girl." Her blonde hair is pulling up into a tight ponytail that accentuates the sharp angles of her face.

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