Thirty - Six (Nolan)

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I say my goodbye to Kaelin before skating over to my hockey team. With the adrenaline of our win still coursing through my veins, I order everyone to the dressing room for more celebrations.

"That was crazy!" Ethan says as soon we start taking our gear off. "I can't believe we pulled that off."

"I can," I grin, unlacing my skates. "I knew we would win. I just knew it."

Yeah that's a pile of horse shit. My head wasn't even in the game if I'm being honest, it was off somewhere thinking about a girl with stunning blue eyes and bright blonde hair.

It's a miracle Ethan and I managed to finish the game off. My team doesn't need to know that though.


By the time we get to Ethan's house, the party is already going and I've had three beers. When my team stumbles through the door the house erupts in cheers for us.

I grin and make my way to the kitchen, I really want another drink. I open the fridge and pull out a beer, I honestly don't care what kind. When it comes to alcohol, I am never picky.

I practically chug the entire beer, so I grab another one to sip on before sitting down in the living room. Axel sits across from me with Ayden tucked under his arm, I thought I also saw Hannah and Cole walking off together on my way to the couch.

Some guys from my team join us and sit on chairs and other couches around the room. A particularly good looking brunette catches my eye. Her hair goes down to almost her waist and sits in loose curls and when she looks at me, I notice her beautiful rust colored eyes.

She smiles and plops down next to me. We're so close our legs are touching and my shoulder constantly brushes her bare one. Her skin is tan and smooth.

Wait. Blonde hair. Shouldn't it be blonde?

"Hey," She smiles with perfect white teeth. "I'm Mikayla, I go to GSS."

I look her up and down, damn she's fine. "Nolan, nice to meet you."

Hannah and Cole enter the room with a huge funnel and plenty of alcohol to poor down it. Everyone looks to me because, as far as traditions go, this one is classic. The captain of the winning team always gets to go first.

"Let's go Nolan," Hannah passes me the end of the funnel. I stick it in my mouth without hesitation and wait.

The warm, burning liquid rushes into my mouth and makes my throat tingle. The familiar taste of fireball continues to fill my mouth as the alcohol doesn't stop coming.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" The crowd starts cheering.

My head becomes lighter and lighter until finally I've downed the entire bottle of whiskey. I grin and turn to Mikayla. The light catches her rust eyes, and that's it for me.

I lean close to her ear while placing my hand on her waist. "Your eyes are absolutely stunning," I make sure my lips touch her cheek as I speak.

Her breath hitches a bit before she pulls back slightly. "Oh yeah?"

"Yes," I pull her on top of me so that she's straddling my lap. "And those lips? Kitten, you're driving me wild."

"Mhm," She mumbles, lacing her hands behind my neck. "What are you going to do about it?"


I smash my lips against hers, not even attempting to go slow or gently. Wait? Wasn't there someone that I always tried to be gentle to? Someone who wouldn't let me kiss her this rough?

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