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Chapter 1

Waking up, I turned over and smiled at a sleeping Keith beside me. He looks so relaxed. The complete opposite of what he is like when he is awake. He is always so tense and secretive to the point I can't tell anyone I am in a relationship with him. I have never met any of his friend's or family and today we are a year together. I feel like I'm his dirty little secret but I still won't walk away. When I ask him why, he just tells me it's safer this way. There is something about him that keeps me here even if what he says is true.

Slowly getting out of bed, I grabbed fresh clothes and underwear from my overnight bag on my way to his bathroom. Taking another look at him while he is asleep, I can help but admire how perfect he is. His dark brown hair is messy and spiked in different direction. He has perfect cheek bones, nose and jaw with very little stubble. He never leaves his face with stubble he is alway so clean cut. His skin is lightly tanned and his body is muscular. He looks more like a male model than a bad boy, even though I know that's exactly what he is.

Walking into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me. Checking my appearance, I cringe. My long chocolate brown hair is in knots, mascara is smudged under my browns eyes and on my eyelids. Taking a wipe, I cleaned the smudges off. My pale full pink lips stand out against my tanned skin. My nose is petite and I have high cheek bones. I'm about five ft seven with a slim but curvy figure. I have long toned legs that I worked hard to keep by going to the gym every second day.

Stepping into the shower, I let the water run down my back and relax my muscle's. Half way through I can hear Keith' s door bell ring and a few seconds later I can hear him jump from his bed. This is the first time I have been hear when someone has called. Finishing in the shower, I dried myself off and got dressed. Walking back into his room, I listened for voices but I couldn't hear any. Whoever called must be gone. Brushing though my wet hair I quickly but it into a fish tail braid and grabbed my overnight bag. Keith is taking me for dinner later for our anniversary so I want to get the perfect dress. Opening his bedroom door, I made my way towards the living room to find Keith, but I stopped in my track's when I found him sitting down with three men. The moment I walked into the room all conversation ceased and all eyes were on me. Looking at Keith, his face only held a stoney expression. My heart started to thump wildly when I noticed the other men are looking me up and down, taking in my full appearance. The room stayed silent til the older man of the group spoke,

"Are you not going to introduce us to you're friend?" he asked with a sickly sweet smile.

Keith stayed silent for another two minute's before he answered

"She is a nobody, just someone I picked up last night for a bit of fun" he said coldly.

My heart ached at his word's but there is no way in hell I'm going to show how much he just hurt me.

"If that is the case Keith, you can show you're friend to the door so we can continue without anymore disruptions" the younger man of the group said. He looks around Keith' and mines age, twenty five or six.

His voice sent unwanted shivers down my body along with his unwelcome glare. He is looking at me like I'm something disgusting he has just stepped on.

"That won't be necessary, I can see the door from here" I said evenly which I am glad for. I don't want to show any fear around these men.

Walking past Keith, he turned away from me when I tried to catch his eyes. Walking faster than I have ever before, I passed the men but didn't miss them watching me carefully. I left a silent sigh of relief escape when I reach the door but my heart thumped when I heard him speak again,

"Excuse me miss, can I ask you a question?" the older man said.

I wanted to just stay walking and pretend I didn't hear him but I knew that wouldn't be possible, so I gritted my teeth and plastered a sickly sweet smile on my face,

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