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Chapter 3

Waking up, I almost forgot what happened last night. Almost, til I looked around and found myself lying on the same bed I fell asleep in last night. Everything from last night came flooding back but I don't feel the same way about it that I did last night. Don't get me wrong, the thoughts of making that bastard pay still burns inside of me but I no longer feel any of the love I once had for him. It's like a part of me has suddenly disappeared overnight. Is this the start of losing my humanity. Last night that thought scared me but once again I feel nothing. I don't seem to care that I'm losing the part's of me that makes me human.

Stretching my body, I feel so much stronger than last night. Sitting up, I take another look around the room I'm in. In the corner I spot one of my suitcase' s. He really went to my house and got what I needed. Jumping from the bed quicker than I expected my body to move, I walked toward my bag. Opening it, I found tracksuits, tank tops and my Hightop' s. He was serious about training me, there is nothing in here for casual wear. Grabbing a black sweatpants and tanks top, I got dressed and slipped my feet into my Hightop' s. Grabbing a brush and hair ties, I ran it through my hair, getting rid of all the knots and tied it up in a high ponytail.

Stretching out my body, I couldn't help but notice all the weaker muscle's in my body are now firm and toned. I don't think I have felt so strong in all my life, well my old life. This new Ivy is going to be a hell of a lot stronger, I won't walk away out of fear, I will the one inflicting it. I won't walk away from a fight, I will be the one finishing it. Them thoughts alone filled me with power. Something I never thought I would feel. Smiling to myself, I couldn't help but think of all the ways I will make him pay. A bullets is too good for him, too quick. I want him to suffer, I want him to scream in pain and beg for Mercy. Something, I will never give him. His mercy, will be death and that's only when I decide I'm done with him, then and only then will he have his release.

But first, I will track those men from his house down. I know without a doubt they are the reason why he shot me. He isn't innocent in this, fear doesn't give him a reason to do what he did, he had a choice. He could have warned me, not set me up. He could have protected me. But he didn't. He pulled the trigger not someone else. That look in his eyes will be nothing compared to the look in my eyes when I find him. I want him to know that when he sees me that I bring nothing but death. To him, I will be the reaper and I am something to fear, so much more than those men.

My thoughts of revenge got interrupted with a knock on the door. Turning around, I watched the vampire who saved me, walk into the room. His movement's are cautious, like he is approaching a wild animal, one who could lash out and kill at any moment. Maybe he sees something in my eyes that warrants his caution. But I have no intention of attacking him, he is the man who saved me, the man who brought me back to life.

"You don't need to look so cautious, I am not going to attack you" I told him with a calm voice.

"Excuse my caution, but you're eyes have turned completely black, our eyes only do that when we are completely consumed with blood lust. You are a vampire without a soul, I do not know what to expect" he said honestly.

"Don't worry, my blood lust is not directed at you, I was thinking about how I will deliver my revenge, as for my soul, it's out there, waiting for me. I can feel it" I said emotionless.

"You can feel it? you're humanity is nearly gone, I can see that in you're eyes" he said carefully.

"It's hard to explain, I saw and felt my soul as it split in two, the other half containing my humanity. But I feel it, barely, but it's there. I have just realised I don't know you're name" I told him.

"My name is Maximus or Max. You're name is Ivy, I saw that when I went to you're home. Ivy, try not to let you're soul completely slip from you. Are you ready to start training? the sooner we get started the sooner we find out what you are capable of and what power is lying inside you" he said.

"Yeah, I'm ready to start, lead the way" I said.

"Take a deep breath" he said.

Why?" I asked confused.

"I really don't want to start training you when you're blood lust has taken over" he said calmly.

Taking a deep breath, I could feel my eyes slowly change back to green. Opening my eyes, he instantly relaxed. He turned and walked out the door he came in. I followed closely behind him, taking in every detail of his home. All the colours are dark and rich. A total guy's house. Bringing my attention back to him, he stood in from of a wooden door waiting for me to catch up. I hadn't even realised that I'm trailing behind him. He smiled and opened the door. Walking in, I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. Half the wall's are covered in weapons, the other's wall's are covered in mirrors. There is one area with every exercise machine possible. In the other half is a large training mat. 

Maximus, is already standing there waiting for me. Walking over to him, I stood in front of him, completely clueless to what's going to happen next. But what I didn't expect, is for Maximus to try and punch me. My reflexes are a lot quicker than I expected, my instincts took over, as I ducked avoiding his punch, barely. But I didn't avoid the body Shaking kick he landed to my stomach. I hit the wall hard before I even realised what is going on. The impact should have hurt, broken something even or knocked the wind out of me. But none of those thing's happened. I got up without feeling an ounce of pain. It's like that kick never happened. Maximus looks shocked. But that didn't stop him landing punch after punch and kick faster than I could stop them. Hour after hour has passed of me getting my ass handed to me. But I have learned how to predict his next moves, but he has had centuries to prefect his skills and agility. His power is an added advantage, he can teleport during our fights. When he first used it I had no idea what happened til he appeared behind me and got me into a choke hold.

My frustration is starting to show. My movements are erratic, I'm fighting on a pure animal instincts, making my moves sloppy. At this point, I know my eyes have changed to black. I'm getting no where fast and if I don't learn I will never be able to go against a hunter neither less Keith and those men. One more kick from Maximus sent me across the room and hitting a wall. Sitting on my hunkers I could feel something build inside me along with fury at myself. My emotions are so strong, I can't hold them back. Needing to get it out before I fight him again, I closed my eyes and screamed in frustration. But my scream didn't sound normal, it didn't sound like me, but more powerful. But it worked for releasing my emotion, I could feel my eyes changed from black to green. Opening my eyes, I got to my feet and face Maximus. My jaw dropped at what I saw. The exercise equipment is in a pile at the other side of the room along with Maximus, whose body shape is outlined in the wall behind him and he is laying on the floor, breathing hard.

All I can think is shit, did I do this and if so what the fuck did I do.

"Think I know now what you're power is" he said as he slowly got to his feet, shaken.

"And that is? " I asked feeling slightly bad at the state of his room.

"Sonokinesis and a powerful one too" he said walking towards me looking impressed.

"Sonokinesis? what's that?" I asked confused.

"The power to mentally and physically manipulate sound waves, when you screamed you released sound waves which wiped out my whole room, me included. Don't think I have met anyone with the same level of power you just showed. It's not going to be an easy power to learn to control" he smiled.

"Sooner we get started, the sooner I can control it. I will do whatever you say" I told him.

If this is a powerful gift to have, Keith won't know what hit him.

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