The Night Club

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Chapter 10

The whole way home, I lectured myself for being so stupid, so sure that I could outsmart the hunter's, they did exactly what I thought they would do, they split up. Hopefully after tonight they won't afford themselves the luxury of going up against me alone. Tonight I got lucky, barely dodging her bullets. It's would only take one to pierce my skin to kill me and she was sending off round after round and managed to alert one of her team mates.

As for how long she was watching me, I have no clue, did she hide and watched while I killed those two men or did she just appear. Stupid Ivy, so stupid. It could have been over before I even got to Keith and there is no way that bastard is getting that lucky, I already died once because of him, the next time is on my own term's.

Arriving outside my house, I turned off the bike and walked quickly inside. It won't be long til they track me properly, they could even be tracking me now for all I know. But the one thing the hunter got was a good look at me, she will be able to pin point me in a crowd. She won't be too happy she got landed on her ass in seconds but she should be grateful, I could have killed her, the only thing that held me back from doing just that is Maximus.

But at least in two night's, I have four dead, only three more to go before its Keith' s turn. The next two are the men who were driving the car when Keith shot me. I planned on painful death's for them but I don't have that time now. It will be quick but painful. I just have to go over all my notes of their movement's and find them in a place that the hunter's might not expect me to go. Pulling out all my notes, I went over every little detail, my only option is in a public area, a night club both of them go too. They have their own VIP section with mirrored windows so no one can see in, that's the only place I can get to them without causing complete panic. In and out quickly, I think this time I'm going to have to use a weapon, possibly my gun.

Again, I dreamed when I fell asleep. This time my soul is closer, it reached out to touch me. The feeling of being complete for the first time is overwhelming, feelings I haven't felt in a year started to flood inside me making me feel so alive. But it ended all to soon when I woke up and the feelings disappeared once again, leaving a bigger emptier hole than before now that I remember what I've lost. This just makes me long for death more.

Looking in the mirror, I checked over my outfit for tonight. It's been awhile since I have been to a club. So I put on dark red shorts, a silver flowy half top with a silver string top underneath and silver wedges. My top is wide enough to hide a small gun at the base of my back. As for my hair, I clipped it up a messy style and put minimum make up on. Grabbing my jacket, I walked down stairs and out the door. I must say riding a bike it shorts is not my best idea but it's too late now.

Walking inside the club, the music pumped through me with every beat, I couldn't help put think how much damage I could do with such a large amount of sound waves coming from the speaker's, I bet I could level this place. Looking around for the first few minute's, I spotted the VIP area. The music is loud enough to cover any noise I make.

The club is actually pretty decent, mirror's are on ever wall, there are at least five bars, two mainly for cocktails and shots. The dance floor is huge with the DJ booth right in the centre of the floors. Large booths are at every wall with cream leather interior. The VIP area is at the top of the stairs and out of view.

Standing back near the wall, I watched everyone coming out of and going into the VIP area. After an hour my two target's walked in and straight up to the VIP area. I waited another twenty minute's til its only them left. Pushing off the wall, I looked around before I started to make my way up the stairs. It didn't take much to get past the bouncer, I just used the small amount of mind control we have on him, so he basically looks likes he is in a daze. Stepping around him, I looked around once more before I pulled my gun down and opened the door. The two men looked at me and after a few seconds they smirked and rested back on their seats as if I'm some lap dancer they have been waiting. for. Aiming my gun, I shot both of them in the head. Quicker and less pain that I had originally wanted but after last night I can't take any chances. Turning around, I put my guy away, I closed the door and walked down the stairs as if nothing happened. Moving quickly, I headed towards the exist before anyone could notice, just as I got to the door I could hear a girl's scream, look like they have already been found.

Just as I got to my bike, I could feel them, the hunter's, there close by. It's the strangest thing to feel them and know their close. Pulling the hood up on my jacket, I sat on my bike and watched the club's entrance. That's when they came around the corner, they haven't  sensed me, well except one, he stopped in his track's and looked straight over at me. He must be the hunter Maximus was on about, he looks strong, he is about six ft four, full of muscle's but not that gross overdone kind, it suits him. His black hair is tightly shaved and spiked on top. He has a tattoo on his arm, they all have, it must be the hunter's mark. He isn't dressed for a night out, he has black combats on which are tucked into his combat boots and a black tight t shirt that hugs his body. Moving my eyes up from his body, I took in his full lips and strong jaw that have stubble from a couple of day's of not shaving, but what caught my breath is his eyes, midnight blue. But that not what caught my breath, it's how he is looking at me like I'm his saviour, like it's only him and me in the world. My heart started to race, something isn't right, I know by looking at him, he is suppose to be mine, mine and no one else, he was born for me and I for him. Then something clicked in my head, who is he and I did the best thing for both of us, I started my bike and drove in the opposite direction from me, I pushed my bike to the limit to put as much distance between us as possible.

As I drove away, I could hear his shout out to me, asking me to stop. How could I? I'm what he is here to kill, the monster that all vampire's are scared of meeting. How could he love me knowing what I am, i would only disappoint him, repulse him once he sees what I am and what I have done. This is for the best, my hope's are of death not of an eternal love I can never have. If we come face to face he has to kill me and maybe he is the best one to do it, once I'm done I won't fight him, I will take what I deserve and finally have peace.

Getting home, I sat down and tried to clear my mind. But every fibre of my being is telling me to go back, to find him and drop on my knee's and beg him to love me, to make me feel something once again. I push and push those thoughts deep down til the urge is bearable. Getting up from the couch I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and opened it as I kicked off my wedges.

Thing's are just going from bad to worse, first I nearly let one kill me and now I end up connected to the hunter's that won't give up til I'm dead. How the hell am I suppose to deal with this, my hope's were death, not on finding a beloved. Taking my phone out, I texted Maximus to let him know what happened. Before I even put my phone down, it started to ring, Maximus' s name flashed up on the screen.

"Hey Maximus" I answered.

"Ivy, you know what this means, you're soul can return to you now" Maximus said with the happiest voice I have ever heard.

"It's not that simple Maximus, my beloved is a hunter, I think the one you were talking about" I replied.

"Well crap" Maximus blurted out.

"Exactly, my soul won't be returning, this just means I have to speed thing's up once he realises I'm the vampire he is hunting" I answered.

"Ivy it's going to be hard for him to fight the pull between the two of you, what he sees is the woman he has waited all his life for, not the monster you think you are" he said.

"I didn't realise a hunter could be a beloved, isn't that going against what their born for" I asked confused.

"Their supernatural in their own way, so they can be beloveds, it's very rare but it does happen. They don't despise vampire's who live by the rules it's the one's that don't that they have an aversion too" he explained.

"Well there we have it, he will have an aversion to me, big time" I added.

"You don't kill innocent people Ivy and you don't drink dry the humans you feed from, you can control you're self, Nico, Lex, Keith and the other's aren't innocent Ivy, they have killed more people than you could possibly match" he said trying to reassure me.

"It's not going to happen Maximus, as much as you wish it, go back to sleep and get a good rest, I will contact you soon" I said before hanging up.

At least I got another two crossed off my list, it's getting closer to Keith s name, the other's will be quick but his won't be, I will take as long as I can even if that means the hunter's find me, but he will be dead before my body falls.

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