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Chapter 2

Opening my eyes, I found myself incased in darkness. That's all I can see, no light at the end of the tunnel and definitely no pearly gates. Is this what I have to show for my life, nothing except eternal darkness. My body feels weightless, like I'm just floating in the middle of nothingness. But I don't feel any pain and for that I am grateful. Images flash over and over in my mind. Trying to make sense of why the man I love shot me as if I meant nothing to him. A shiver runs through my body when I remember the cold look in his eyes. He wasn't a man at the moment, he was a hardened killer but also a coward. Are the men at his house that dangerous that he saw no other way out of this other than to kill me. My stomach turns at the thoughts that I shared a bed with him, that I shared secrets with a monster.

Before I could think anymore about him, a flash of light appeared in the darkness around me, moving closer and closer to me, til I had to close my eyes as the light momentarily blinded me. Slowly I reopened my eyes, giving them a chance to adjust but what I'm seeing in the light completely shocks me. It's like I'm hovering over my still body watching a man cut his wrist and bring it to my mouth. Then the last moment's of my life hits me. The footsteps and then the man's voice. He said I would be reborn but I rather not be if he is expecting me to drink his blood. But to my shock once again, I could see myself grab his wrist as I started to drink his blood, quite greedily actually. He pulled his wrist from my mouth. Looking at him clearly for the first time, he is gorgeous. Dark hair, deep brown eyes almost black, porcelain skin and a strong body but he looks like he is in his early thirties. Pulling my eyes off him, I looked back at myself. My body is lying on large queen size bed on top of the covers. The rooms walls are painted in black and silver. There is a large open fireplace in the room. Looking back, I notice my beautiful dress I picked out is soaked with my blood and my tanned skin has dry blood matted to it. I look a complete wreck. But I don't understand what's happening, I'm here but my body is there. Did I die? .

But before I could think anymore, I could feel something pulling at me, but not back towards my body but like I'm being split in two. The sensation is getting stronger and stronger til I can't focus anymore. After what feels like hour's it stops. But I don't feel right. Opening my eyes, I gasped. Standing in front of me, is me. I look like I'm glowing with light and pureness and when I look down at myself, I'm not glowing, my skin has a black glow to it. I started to panic and look at the version of myself standing in front of me  for some reassurance, but I didn't find any, I only found her eyes fixed on my body which is still lying on the bed.

But something is different about me, I can see my chocolate brown hair slowly changing til it a dark blood red colour. My once tanned skin is fading and becoming like his. Like porcelain. My pale pink lips are now a blood red. Feeling my body been tugged at once again, I closed my eyes and prepared for the same sensation. When it stopped, I opened my eyes slowly, but I'm no longer in the darkness, now I'm in the room I saw earlier. Looking at the man sitting opposite me.

"How do you feel?" he asked in a deep voice.

Taking in his question, I thought for a moment. How do I feel?

"I feel different, strong but like I'm only half of myself. I don't feel complete. How did I get here? " I asked.

"I found you in the car park, I could smell you're blood. You had been shot and you were on the verge of death" he explained.

"So that really did happen, how am I not dead?" I asked.

"I changed you, you are reborn. A vampire" he told me.

Right now I should be freaking out and thinking this man is some psycho who has taken me hostage. But his word's are ringing true. What I saw him doing to me earlier makes sense now.

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