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Chapter 13

After that mind blowing kiss, we talked and talked. He thinks he can save me, protect me from the council. For that, he has my love and trust. But what he doesn't realise is that I don't want to be saved or protected, I want to finish my revenge. To do that, I can't accept my soul back like he wants me to, it isn't time, not yet.

Watching him sleep, I took in every detail of his face so I can remember him exactly when I'm gone. Maximus and I already planned for this, the hunter's finding me but we never thought the hunter that finds me would be my beloved. Someone I thought I would never have. The sad thing is that I had to die and become a monster to find him.

Nothing in this world is simple.

Maximus contacted me earlier, Keith is running scared, I guess I frightened him more than I thought. But that was also planned for, there is only one place he will go and that's where my new home is. Thankfully Keith is using the same security company that Nico and Lex used.

Giving Caine one last kiss, I grabbed my bag and key's. Leaving has never been so difficult, I feel like I'm ripping my own heart out and leaving it here. For the first time since I was changed, I felt tears come to my eyes. Around him my emotion trickle in, thats another reason why I have to leave, the longer I stay around him the more my emotions will come back and stay.

Walking out the door, I didn't look back, I got on my bike and left. Pushing my bike to it limits, I got out of town as quick as possible. Caine might know why I have gone after these men but he doesn't know who my final target is, nothing is going to stop me from getting to Keith, not the hunter's and not my beloved. If I'm going to die after it, I can die knowing someone loves me and I got to feel that even as this monster.

It took four hour's and two petrol stops before I arrived at the house. What's so great about this house is that it's opposite from Keith. This place has a lot of memories, one's I used to think were good, but now along with all my memories of him, they make me sick to my stomach, this is where he brought me for a romantic weekends gettway.

Opening the door, I walked into my new house and dropped my bag. Walking into the kitchen, l found a fridge full of blood. I didn't realise how thirsty I am til I saw the blood bags. Tearing then open, I devoured every single drop of half the bag's. Throwing the empty packets in the bin, I picked up my bag and walked into my room. Maximus really knows how to decorate house's, this one is similar to his own. The only difference is, this house is home to all our picture's together. This is something know one can see.

Maximus always says I reminded him of his little sister, unfortunately she died long before I met him, I think that's why he saved me, he couldn't stop his sister from dying, but he could stop me from the same fate. But our bond has grown more like a father and daughter relationship.

My own father is a waste of space, a violent drunk who drove my mother away when I was ten. She couldn't take it anymore, I always wished she had taken me with her instead of leaving me alone to deal with him. The violence he showed to my mother soon turned on me. He would come home and if everything wasn't in the place I would get a beaten for it. But he was clever, he never hurt me where people could see. He destroyed me, I was confident, smart and had friend's. But the longer it went on the more recluse I became and my friend's stopped trying.

It took one teacher in high school to notice, then one night he went to far, someone has pissed him off, he couldn't hurt him so he hurt me. That time was his last, he didn't care about trying to hide it, he was like a crazed man, hitting, kicking and punching every single part of me. I can remember praying for death, I didn't want to be alive because what life did I have, I had no one, my father cut off all contact with my mother's family, they tried so hard to see me but kept coming up against a brick wall.

That night, a neighbour rang the police when they heard my screams, I can't even remember screaming. He had broke five of my ribs, fractured my arm and cracked my skull. I had internal bleeding from the brunt force of his kicks. My face was a mess, the doctor's said I was a miracle, that I should have died with the amount of damage.

But the best thing came from the worst moment in my life. They arrested my father and he was sent to prison for 25 years to life for attempted murder. That's when I got to live with my mother's sister and life got so much better, she cared for me like a mother should, helped me catch up in all my school work and exams.

She rang my mother to tell her what happened to me, thinking she would come and get me, be the mother she is suppose to be but then again what mother leaves her daughter to face a monster like him alone. But she wasn't interested, that when my sister and her family cut off all contact with her, they were disgusted but nothing could have surprised me then, I didn't expect her to come and care for me or apologise for leaving me, in truth over the year's I had grown to hate her, every day I waited for her to come rescue me, but it never happened.

My aunt was so proud when I graduated with top mark's and got accepted into university. She even paid. It killed me when I changed and couldn't finish my degree in law because she worked so hard to help me, she has no other children so I was everything to her. Even the house I live in is hers, my grandmother left it to her and she gave it to me.

Maximus though, helped me finish it after I explained it to him. That alone made Maximus special in my eyes. I couldn't see her though, I have changed to much for it to be explained away so Maximus doctored the picture to look like the old me and sent it to her. I know if I went to see her like this, if I could explain the changes, she would noticed how cold my heart is, I couldn't fake it with her, she knows me to well.

Pulling myself out of my thought's, I concentrated on what needs to be done. Looking out the window, I smiled when I spotted his car pull into his drive way and two more followed. At least this gives me a chance to eye up how many security guards he has. It is easy to spot which one's are vampire's. He has six altogether and half are vampire's. If I mess with his head, I can gage his securities reaction time and see if the vampire's are willing to use their power's in front of the other's.

Watching Keith jump at every noise gave me and the monster inside me a satisfying feeling in the pit of my stomach. Oh Keith, the game is only beginning, he is going to be a whimpering mess by the time he comes face to face with me and then it will be over for him. That's when I will go to Caine and let him end me.

Pulling a chair up to the window, I made myself comfortable. I might has known his routine in the city but not out here in the country especially with his new body guards. If they leave, I want to know so I can check the house out for any added security and easy access point's. I'm going to be the star of Keith' s nightmares for a couple of nights. My looks might have changed but my voice hasn't.

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