Black abyss

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Chapter 7

Chaos, complete chaos is what I'm looking at right now. Security guards running around the outside of the house trying to figure out what caused it, other's are trying to explain to Nico and Lex that they have no idea what just happened. How could they, there is nothing normal about what just happened, no theory they can string together that can make sense.

I have their attention now but I also just got the attention of the hunter's. Every vampire, their power and level of power is recorded with the council, even vampire's that have been reborn. For what Maximus told me, my power is rare and the level of power I have is unheard of. They won't find me in any of their record's and then they will know that I have been changed by someone who isn't my beloved and then they will start hunting me.

No more games with Nico and Lex, next time I come, I'm coming to kill.

Leaving the ground's, I got back on my bike and headed towards home. Once Maximus hears about this I know he is going to worry and I'm around him long enough to know it's not about him being caught, it's about me and the real prospect of death, he knows it's coming but I think the reality is going to be something completely different. Our father, daughter relationship is something that we both hold dear, which surprises him, I surprise him. Walking into my home, I can't help but hate the silence, living with Maximus, I always had something to do and someone to talk to. If we weren't training he was teaching me about my new world.

One of the things he did explain more about were the hunter's and beloveds. Whatever is in a hunter's blood, vampire's automatically can sense them, we can spot them out of a large crowd of humans and the same goes for them. Just because their human doesn't mean their not strong enough to kill us, they have the skills and weapons to do so. Once you turn up on their radar they become relentless in their pursuit and only stop when our hearts stop. As for beloveds, I think Maximus is secretly wishing I have one, somewhere out there searching for me but I hold no such hope's. The same applies for beloveds, if you're other half is vampire or supernatural, you will know instantly, without a doubt that you have found you're other half. He couldn't put into word's how it feels to find his beloved, all he could say is that no words can describe that moment.

Lying in bed, I closed  my eyes to try and calm my thought's. Every time I concentrate, I can always feel my soul, so close, it sometimes feels like I could reach out and touch it. It has never let go like I expected it to, I can sometimes even see it in my mind, my old face looking back at me with the warm glow of humanity. The face I know longer see when I look in the mirror. Wanting perfection as a human didn't exactly live up to what I expected it to as an immortal. Sometimes I find myself wishing to see my old face when I look in the mirror, to see the flaws I use to have, everything that made me, me. But as time goes by I find myself less interested in that and more interested in finishing my plan so I can let the hunter's kill me.

Hopefully, I can become whole once again and feel something before I find my last resting place. Nothing in this life interests me anymore except for my revenge and once that's gone what's left, nothing. I can't spend the rest of eternity hopeful that I will find a beloved to regain my soul, it's too long of a wait. Death is a faster track to that. I don't even dream anymore, I just float in a black abyss til my body is rested and I start the day over again. Being around Maximus is the only time I feel something and now I only have a short while with him but I can't latch onto him, he has his life now and his happily ever after. He deserves that more than anything, he has spent centuries searching for her and finally he found her. When he did, I knew what that meant, I knew I had to give him up and take what I could get.

Walking into work that morning, I shared the elevator with Taylor once again. This morning, she doesn't seem jumpy, she just seems flat, none of the facade as usual. Facing her, disgust boiled inside me like lava. To a human, her makeup would seem just that, makeup. But to my eyes, I could see right past it to the bruise that is darkening underneath it. This isn't her first one either, her makeup is too well applied for it to be the first time. Trying to calm the animal inside, I took a deep breath til I could feel my black eyes fade to green. She doesn't need another monster to be afraid of.

"Are you okay Taylor, you seem quite this morning?" I asked in a light tone, the total opposite of what I'm actually feeling.

She jumped at the sound of my voice, obviously lost in her own thought's. She looks at me and I could see her briefly contemplate telling me, she must have no one.

"I'm okay Ivy, just a little tired and lost in my own world" She said with a smile.

"Are you sure, I'm here if you ever need anything, even someone to talk to" I smiled back.

Her eyes started to water as she touched her bruised cheek gently before she faced away.

"Thank you and the same applies to you" She said trying to keep her voice normal.

The door opened and she walked towards her desk. Walking into Maximus office where my desk is, I went straight to the staff personal file's. I quickly went through them til I found Taylor' s and memorized her address.

"Are you making a new friend?" Maximus asked coming up behind me.

"Someone is hurting her and I want to know who" I told him honestly.

"What makes you think that?" he asked curious now.

"Look at her face" I told him.

Turning around, I watched him as he took in every detail of her.

"I can tell You're not going to stop til you find out who, just be careful not to expose yourself around her, she needs someone to trust, not to find out there are other monster's living around her" he smiled sadly.

"You are far from a monster, the only monster around her is me and whoever is doing this. Don't worry, I won't expose us" I promised.

Watching her for the rest of the day she seemed to relax when no one noticed her face. But she seems so alone, she doesn't have any friends here, she is too sweet for the other girl's that work here who are fighting their way up the ladder. The last hour of work, I can see her whole body become more tense as she counts down the minutes.

Standing up from my desk the same time she does, I followed her to the elevator and step in beside her. I didn't try to speak to her she seems to nervous. So instead as we stepped out of the elevator, I handed her a piece of paper with my number. She looked at it and looked up at me,

"Just incase you ever want to talk" I smiled.

"Thank you" She smiled back but looks shocked.

Walking out in front of her I spotted that piece of shit car with the same driver in it. Once I got to my bike, I sat on it and watched them from a distance. He isn't familiar to me but he is a piece of work, the second she gets in he is quizzing her about who she talked to, what she did all day, why did it take her so long to text him back, the list is endless. Talk about possessive, her fear is definitely directed at him. Any sudden movements he makes she flinched. He is the one hurting her and what makes it worse is that he is a vampire.

She isn't his beloved because he wouldn't be able to fight the pull to mark her as his and she would have been reborn by now. His scent isn't mixed with hers like it should be.

Just as I got in the door, my mobile rings, looking at the screen, it's Maximus.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked.

"No Ivy, the council have already been made aware about what happened last night. There searching through the files for a vampire with you're level of power. It's only going to take them an hour before they realise one doesn't exist on file" he whispered.

"How long til they alert the hunter's?" I asked, surprised at how quick they found out.

"A day at most, a couple of the new security guards are vampire's, they knew once they felt you're power it was a vampire that caused that much destruction" his voice now sounded panicked.

"Calm down Maximus, I won't lead them to you and don't worry about me, we both knew this would happen, I will talk to you tomorrow" I said and hung up.

Guess they can't wait, but I'm going to Taylor' s first. I have bottle's of blood in my fridge to prepare for tonight, the level of power I'm going to need, the normal amount of blood isn't going to be enough and I don't intend to kill humans to get the amount of blood I need, well not innocent humans anyways.

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