My Accomplish

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Chapter 15

Waking up this morning, I still have a smile on my face. Pity I didn't have anything to capture his reaction from last night. By now, I bet his security thinks he is a joke and he has probably has himself convinced last night really was just a dream. It's going to be a recurring dream though.

Jumping out of bed perkier than normal, I grabbed fresh clothes and got into the shower. Afterwards for the first time, I smiled at my reflection in the mirror. It is worth not looking like the old me completely so I can be alive to haunt that bastard. Revenge is a beautiful thing.

So I walked into the lounge and sat on the same chair as last night to watch him. His security team are doing the same routine as last night, they obviously think his melt down is from a dream. After a few hour's it easy to realise that he isn't planning on leaving the house, he is in full hiding mode. His security are completely lacks a daisy when it comes to doing their job.

What I did not expect to see is Maximus 's car pulling into the drive way. How come he is here. Jumping to my feet, I ran to the door and opened it. His face relaxed the moment he laid eyes on me. He walked towards me and wrapped his arm's around me.

" Oh thank God your okay Ivy, I drove by your house yesterday to see if you were okay and I spotted one of the hunter's hanging around it. I thought the worst. I knew you were planning on coming here. The not knowing was killing me" he said as he squeezed me tighter to his chest.

" I'm okay, now come in before anyone sees us " I laughed.

" Oh of course" he laughed and released me.

The two of us being here, it's feels like a proper home, the only place that holds out memories. Over the next couple of hours I filled him on on everything, starting from Nico and Lex, ending with my performance with  Keith last night. Then it was his turn to tell me how Caine is still waiting outside my house, still waiting for me. That hurt more than I thought I would, more than I let on to Maximus.

But what we did decide on is that Maximus wants to help tonight whatever way he can. His teleportation will be quite useful tonight and an added bonus, he brought more blood. I have missed spending time with Maximus, at work was the only time I got to spend with him lately and even with that we always had so much work to do. He is exactly what a father should be like, what I wished my sorry excuse for a father should have been like.

Talking to him made the hour's fly by and before we knew it, it is dark outside. Our plan is simple but effective. Changing into the same dress as last night, I then put on the wig. Maximus added an extra touch by using some of the blood he brought to leave a trail on my dress in the exact spot he shot me, the blood will play another part later on. Maximus changed into black clothes and a black mask he used to cover his face and hair so he can try blend into the background. I can't use my sonokinesis to the extent I did the last time. That will only give away to Caine where I am and its not time for them to know yet.

Keith's study's light is on and all the guard's are outside. Maximus took my hand and transported us into his study. He stayed hidden in the corner behind Keith. Walking up behind, I placed my hands on his shoulder's, feeling them tense under my touch. Then I leaned in and whispered "Did you miss me?"

Walking around him so I can see his face, I found him with his eyes closed tightly and chanting " she's not real " over and over.

"Oh but I am real Keith, you only have to open your eyes to see that" I told him.

Slowly he opened his eye's, the first place they landed on is my bloodstained dress and then slowly to my face. The noise that came out of his mouth next can only be described as a scream that has got stuck on its way out, like the sound of a dying animal.

"What's wrong ? are you not happy to see me, I'm starting to become offended" I said giving him a pout.

"Your not real, I must be asleep, you're dead or I'm losing my mind" he told himself more than spoke to me.

" Your not asleep, your not losing your mind, I told you I have come back for revenge. I can't move on til you die painfully by my hands " I gritted out and let my eye's turn completely black and like last time he screamed an ear piercing scream, that even caused Maximus to jump. He is on the ball though, within seconds he transported us to the next room so we can still hear what's going on. Like we thought, the vampire's among his security smelt the blood and their eye's  turned black momentarily because Keith began screaming,

" your eye's are the same as hers, black like hers"

It took everything inside me not to burst out laughing.

" What are you on about boss, whose eye's are black?" one of them asked.

The only reason their eyes would turn black is because I haven't seen any of them leave to feed, they would have only changed briefly but enough for Keith to notice.

"Just stay away from me you, I'm going to my room" he said sounding hysterical.

The door open and close, as he headed up the stair's. Maximus looked at me and I nodded. He took my hand and transported us into Keith's room just as he opened the door, he jumped back and started screaming again as he stumbled backwards, landing on his ass as he tries to move away from us. He started pointing at Maximus's dark form behind me but couldn't get any word's out through his screaming. I turned to look at Maximus and then looked back at Keith,

"He is the demon that is going to drag your soul to hell when I'm done with you, see you very soon" I winked before Maximus held onto to me and transported us back to our house just as his security got to the landing.

The more they think he is losing it the less reaction time they will have when the time comes. Even tonight after the first time their reaction time was delayed.

" I didn't think that would be as fun as it was" Maximus laughed.

" Tonight his reaction was the best. Who knew a man could scream like that " I smiled

" When do you plan on finishing him" he asked.

"At most, two to three night's, I plan on using my power at a higher level next time, I need to kill him before the hunter's find me down here" I replied.

"They are very skilled at tracking, if any of those vampires talk about what's happening here it won't be long til they come here to check it out or if Keith's name is on one of those list's. For them you have been way to quite" he said concerned.

"That's why you have to leave tomorrow, I can't risk them finding out about you, I need you safe. Tonight was great but you can't be involved in this, the council will punish you especially if they realise you're the one who changed me" I said worried for him.

"I know, I'll leave in the morning but for now, I want to spend some time with you before it all kicks off" he smiled.

Smiling, I took advantage of my short time with him because for all we know this could be our last.

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