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Chapter 12

Midnight blue eyes held my own, so beautiful, I thought to myself getting lost in them. His hand held my face so gently like he is afraid to break me. He looked at me for permission and I gave it, how could I not. His lips captured mine, kissing me so gently. Putting my arm's around him I pulled him closer to me, I need him closer to me, so much closer. His lips told me he loves me and I'm sure mine are telling him the same. He tastes so sweet, like all the best candy rolled into one. He broke our kiss, but he held onto my face as he looked at me with loving eyes. Then he let go and started to move further and further away until he disappeared, breaking my heart. Then she came, my soul, smiling and glowing brighter than ever before.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

Then it hit me, I can have my soul back, we can become one again, I can feel again. Reaching my hands out to her hands, we're inches away from touching. Then I pulled my hands back.

"I can't not yet, if we become one, I won't be able to finish what I started" I smiled sadly knowing what I'm giving up on, if only for awhile. She looked sadly at me but seemed to understand.

"Soon" she pleaded.

"Soon" I answered.

Waking up, my heart thumped in my chest. Being with him felt so real, I felt loved and I panicked for a few minute's that I have made the wrong decision. But I need to finish this, I'm so close, my soul is waiting for me, that I'm sure of.

What I need to concentrate on now, is finishing this without bumping into him, I can't see him. I'm sure I will fall at his feet, begging him to look past what I have done and allow me to explain my reasons. Since being reborn, I have never harmed an innocent human and I never will. That's the only difference between me and the other soulless vampire's who hurt humans without a seconds thought. I won't be that kind of monster even though I'm not far off from what their capable of. Every day I battle against that part of me, maybe always feeling my soul so close is what has stopped me from doing that or my connection to Maximus.

But right now I need to concentrate on my next target's. The final one before Keith is his driver/ bodyguard, so I can kill two birds with one stone. This is where the fun begins for me and ends for them. I'm going to toy with them for awhile a lot more than what I did with Lex and Nico. That starts tonight at his office where both of them will be.

Know matter what I try to occupy my mind with my thoughts kept coming back to him and his midnight blue eyes. I want to see him again but then I don't want to at the same time. My emotions are slowly trickling back into my body and I'm trying to hold them off, put them in a box and hide them til I'm done. But that is proving harder than expected. Keith needs to be taken down along with the stupid empire they have built on the death of other's, for ever gun they sold that killed innocent people and for every person that died from the dodgey drugs they sell.

The hour's finally passed and I got on my bike and drove into town. Pulling up a few metres away from his office, I turned off my bike. There are a few more of Nico and Lex' s main worker's to watch so hopefully the hunter's will be split up again. But they will be closer than last time, they all work and live a few blocks from here. Pulling my hood up, I took a good look around making sure I can't be surprised this time. There probably expecting me to kill not scare.

Getting off my bike, I walked towards the side of the building and climbed up the fire escape stairs. Before I got to the roof, I stopped and listened for anyone that could be following me. After a couple of minute's, I climbed the rest of the way after hearing nothing. This building gives me the best view into Keith' s office. Walking to the edge, I spotted Keith' s office straight away with him and his bodyguard inside.

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