So it begins

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Chapter 5

Watching Nico and Lex after I followed them was easy. Despite the amount of security they have. After, when I went to check out the house, I found that there was two mansions on the property, they live side by side, making them all the more easy to target. My move have to be right, my plan is to taunt them at first, get into their heads and mess with them to the point they will think their losing their minds and paranoia kicks in. Killing them straight away isn't enough, they took great pleasure in taunting me that morning I met them. I wanted to hurt them at that point when I was human but now as a vampire I have all the skill I need to do this the right way.

        I'm taking down everyone that had a part in my death, I'm just starting with the power players and working my way down the chain. But as I aways planned, Keith will be last. I want him to feel isolated and terrified, knowing something is coming for him, death itself, in the form of his old lover.

Standing back in the shadows of Nico and Lex' s property, I searched out the spots I know will trigger the alarms and send his guards into high alert. Where I'm standing has the perfect position between their two home. Taking in a deep breath, I clear my mind and let my power hum inside of me. Holding my palms facing out, I pull at the sound waves inside the house, drawing them out slowly so the house is left completely void of any sound. Watching the light go on in most room in both homes, I held back a laugh, I know how weird it is, how creepy it feels to have complete  and utter dead silence, it feels void of life.

Kneeling down, I place my hands on the ground, sending a small amount of shock waves through the ground towards both houses, enough to set off the both alarms and cause panic. Within seconds the alarms go off, I stood there and timed how quick his security respond to a potential threat. By the time they get outside, I will have both of them killed. Standing up, I wipe the dirt away from my knee's. I'm far enough back to be unseen by security, but that doesn't mean they won't check every inch of the ground's. With one last look, I run and jump over the wall, I landed on the ground at the far side of the wall. Walking towards my bike, I couldn't help but smile, finally, I get to start on the revenge I have been planning for the last year.

It might be slow to start with but that doesn't take away from the end plan. There all still going to die and on another plus, I'm getting the scum off the street's as well. Their little empire will fall along with them.

Getting on my bike, I pull onto the road and speed towards my home. Luckily enough, Maximus made sure my old home was safe and still there for me to go back too. No one could reposses it when the rent was still being paid and I wasn't on paper as being dead, no body kinda messes that up. But it fucked with Keith s head for month's, he would come and check my house out every couple of weeks for month's til he realised no one was living there and that's when I moved back. As I said, no body, he was more worried about who had removed my body and done him a favour, he never thought for a second I was still alive. Why would he, he shot to kill and technically, he did.

As for Maximus paying my rent, that stopped once I could be around humans. Instead I went to work for him. He is lawyer, with a couple of large practice's in different states and is one of the most sought after lawyer's around. Hiring me, didn't look suspicious as I was already a training as a legal aid and he was in need of one, except he changed my last name from Carter to Lynn, so no one would recognise my name if they saw it . It works out well for both of us, I have a way of paying my rent and Maximus can still keep any eye on me daily.

Pulling into my driveway, I switched the engine off,  took off my helmet and kicked out the stand before I got off. Opening my front door, I lay down my helmet on my kitchen table. It's strange, I used to walk in here and feel so at home, I loved what I had done to the place but I feel nothing towards it, it just a place for me to sleep now. I thought losing my humanity would be a struggle but in truth, I didn't even notice it had completely left me, it gradually disappeared over a couple of week's.

At first Maximus thought I was going to go out and kill every human I fed from but I surprised him with my self control, only taking what I needed. What he told me about the hunter's has stayed with me, I didn't need to attract their attention, but unfortunately that won't stay like that for long, once I start my revenge it won't be long til they realise a vampire is behind it and that's when they will hunt me down. But I will make sure I finish the job I have started before they have a chance of catching me.

The main thing is I don't lead them back to Maximus, he knows what I plan on doing so he is prepared to erase anything that connects him to me in one phone call. Walking over to my fridge I took out a bottle of beer, vampire's can survive alone on blood if needed but we can also eat and drink whatever we want, our body needs nourishment as well and it helps us blend in with humans. It's takes a lot for us to get drunk but it's possible.

Sitting down on my couch, I kicked off my boots and took another mouthful of beer before I put it on the table. Picking up my laptop off the ground, I opened it and turned it on. Maximus is also gifted when it comes to computers, he can hack into any account with enough time and thanks to him, I have access to all Keith' s and his associates account's and email, whatever Keith' s see' s, I see.

Now, I'm just waiting to see if Nico or Lex have contacted him about tonight or if I need to do more to get their attention. Two hour's have passed and nothing has been sent to between them. At this point I'm on my fifth beer and staring up at the ceiling. The ping on my computer pulls my attention away from the ceiling and towards the screen of my laptop. It looks like Keith' s just got an email on his private account.

"Meeting tomorrow at the usual place, we have some issues we need to discuss, especially starting with you hiring better security, someone got to close to our homes tonight, find out who it was and quick,


A smile spread across my face, it looks like I have gotten their attention after all.

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