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Chapter 4

It has taken almost a year to gain full control over my power and at that Maximus said I was a quick learner. His training room got damaged on more than one occasion when my frustration got the better of me and it was only a stepping stone to the true potential of my power. My fighting skills, they seemed to have come naturally. Like instincts I never knew I had, kicked in automatically. Like an animal inside of me has been waiting patiently to break out.

As for my humanity, Maximus was right. It has left me a long time ago but I can still feel my soul lingering, further out of my grasp but still there, holding on, like someday we will become again, light and dark together in one form. But I don't even think the light can save me now. I'm too far gone. Revenge is what keeps me going. I have pictured Keith' s death a hundred, no, a thousands times. Each more painful than the last.

For the last two months, I have been watching his every move and he hasn't even noticed my present or felt my eyes on him. He is totally oblivious, not the most intelligent criminal. Finally I know what he was hiding from me. His job is importing and exporting drugs and weapons, moving them around the city to what he thinks is secure location's. Little does he know that I know every safe house they have, I know their time table by heart, I know everything about them. This time I'm not walking into it blind, I have my eyes wide open. There are no emotions to stand in my way now, I feel nothing now. I'm only filled with fury and the burning need for revenge. That is what he has turned me into, a monster. Someone I don't even recognise anymore.

Sitting on the roof across from his building, I watched as he walked around care free as if he isn't a cold blooded killer, as if he never murdered the woman he said he loved and wanted to protect. Watching him after what he did to me, makes me wonder what I ever saw in him. He is weak, completely breakable with just one touch, he's human and I'm the monster nightmares are made of. He is going to wish he never met me but I guess I have one think to thank him for, killing me wasn't the end of me, it was only my true beginning to becoming something so powerful and deadly.

Maximus said he has never heard of another vampire with my power, that I'm rare but I have to stay hidden from the council. Maximus shouldn't have changed me, only a beloved should. He knew I would become a monster, a threat to human lives if I couldn't control myself. But lucky for him, I can. What he did is punishable by death in the council's eyes. What ever possessed him to change me that night, I will alway be grateful, without him, I would be six foot under.

He finally met his beloved a few month's ago. My training was completed and I needed to leave his home, he couldn't risk her finding out what he did, his fear of losing her went straight to his core. Watching him fall in love from a distance, I thought I would be envious but I pitied him. Love makes you blind to the world around you, leave you open to the pain of you're heart been ripped from you're chest. In my mind love makes you weak, vunerable and exposed for the world to see.

Flashes from the time I spent with Keith, turned my stomach. Remembering how he touched me makes me want to rip my own skin off. Bringing my mind back to here and now, I couldn't help the twisted smile that appeared on my face. Keith has two guest's, the men I have been waiting patiently to see once again. The two men that wanted me dead, the two I now know as Nico and Lex Cullen. Keith' s bosses. They rarely show their faces unless a big shipment come in. Like most criminals they have enemies, one's who will try ambush the shipment and take the content's for themselves. The one's that will take the blame for what I do to the Cullen' s and Keith, it's only natural their enemies would try to kill them, only this time they will succeed without even knowing it, their attempts before have been pitiful, flesh wounds is all they managed to inflict but I should be thankful for that because I get to watch them die by my hand.

Standing up from my sitting position, I can watch them more closely. The one thing about them, they don't linger, they state their business and leave. That's exactly what's happening now. I watched as they leave the room, it will only take minute's for them to get to the ground floor. Walking to the edge of the thirty five story building I'm on, I look down, smile and step off. This is what I love the most, the rush that ripples through you're whole body that makes you feel alive. But it always ends to quickly like it has now. My feet touch the ground and reality kicks back in. Looking around me, I stepped out from the darkness when I was sure no one is around.

Walking around the corner of the building, I waited at the corner and watched Nico and Lex walk out of the main door's and towards the a black town car that is already running and waiting for them. Walking out onto the street, I walked towards my bike and got on it. Starting it, I pulled out into the traffic and sped up til I was two cars aways from them. I stayed back and blended it with the other cars and bike's.

After an hour, of turns and winding roads they finally slowed down for an upcoming house entrance. They stopped outside two large beautiful cast iron gates as they waited for them to open. So this is their home or well, at least one of their homes. They were the only two last piece to the puzzle I hadn't completed. They are harder to track than Keith, their not seen very often but this changes all of that. Knowing where they live now means I can put my plan into motion.

They won't even see me coming til it's too late.

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