Two - Into the Haunt

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September 12th, 2008. Friday, 8:00 am. 

Robin groaned as wakefulness began to flow through his consciousness. His head throbbed with a dull pain, along with his stomach. Another groan emitted from his throat as he struggled to move. 

"Awake yet, Robin?" 

Robin stiffened, his mind snapping fully awake; sharp and clear. That was Slade's voice. Somehow, Robin was with Slade – hadn't the man showed up suddenly in his room? What about the other Titans? Had they been captured, too? Or worse? 

Then, a terrible panic filled Robin's chest. 

What if Slade had taken his mask off? He had been unconscious around a nut case – there was nothing stopping the man from ripping off his mask and seeing his identity. With a nervous swallow, Robin brought a hand slowly to his face. 

His mask was still there. 

Relief sagged throughout his body; strengthening him. He was still Robin. Dick was protected behind the safety of his mask. Slade didn't know who he was and Bruce's identity wasn't endangered. He was still safe. 

Still safe

Robin's eyes slipped open. The lighting was dim; too dark for his groggy eyes to see through. He tried to push himself up and found that he was lying on the floor. Robin also noticed that he was still in his pajamas. He sat up with his legs curled beneath him as he took in his surroundings; his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He supported his weight with one arm. 

The sound of clinking gears constantly rang above Robin's head. He looked up to see endless amounts of the sound's source. They were bigger and more elaborate than anything he had ever seen before. The room itself was wide and expansive; the lighting darkened in an aura of deep brown. Along the far wall was a simple door. Other than that, Robin could see no other possible exits. 

He wasn't in Titans Tower any more. 

"What do you think?" asked Slade. Robin turned his head towards the direction of his voice. Slade's legs were crossed as he sat on a high seat, which gave Robin a strong impression of a king on his throne. Robin scowled at the sight. Surrounding the man was a large number of controls; a blank computer screen stretched the width of the room behind him. Slade opened his arms wide, as if in display. 

"Welcome to my humble abode, Robin. I hope you'll make yourself at home – since this will be your home as well for quite a long while." 

"This isn't my home," growled Robin, getting to his feet and preparing himself for a fight. "My home is Titans Tower." 

"Was your home, Robin," said Slade, his voice silky smooth. "This is your new home." 

"As if I'll ever—" 

"You know, Robin; I've been watching you for quite some time," said Slade, ignoring Robin's protests. Slade leaned forward, resting an elbow on his knee and supporting his head in his hand. His other arm lay easily over his lap. "You are an interesting child, indeed." 


Robin's stance relaxed slightly. The man wasn't moving from his seat. He looked so relaxed; almost tranquil. Wasn't the man going to attack? Why was he just sitting there like they were discussing the weather? Slade had to be totally insane – completely lost it. Wasn't he the enemy? 

"What are you talking about? Are you some kind of stalker or something?" demanded Robin. 

Slade chuckled, shaking his head once in his amusement. 

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