Twenty-Five - Test of Trust

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January 26th, 2009. Monday, 6:37 am. 

Dick was lying in his bed, thinking hard before he got up to start the day. His main thoughts were heavily set on what had happened the previous night; where, after his nightmare, he had sought for Slade – something he'd never imagine doing months ago. Slade hadn't ridiculed him, nor sent him away; he actually invited Dick inside his room and even let him fall asleep inside his bed. 

And somehow, Dick had felt safe. 

There was one thing Dick was very aware of: he needed stability. And Slade was beginning to give it to him. Dick felt more comfortable around the man. He was even getting to the point of feeling safe when he was nearby. He felt uneasy when the man wasn't around, taking comfort in the man's mere presence. Also, Slade had been keeping his promise. 

But what if Dick did something absolutely terrible, something that was completely unforgivable? Would Slade, even then, still keep his promise? While Slade had not once struck him out of anger, that nagging worry hadn't completely gone away. 

If he had to stay here forever, be this man's heir whether he wanted to or not, then Dick felt a strong need to fully trust the man and feel completely safe with him. Maybe then Dick could convince him not to force certain things. If Dick didn't have to kill, he'd probably be content to stay by Slade's side. 

But he couldn't – not with that nagging little voice in the back of his mind. 


Dick would have to test the man. 

It was probably suicidal thinking. But, as always, desperate times call for desperate measures. There was a huge crazy risk to all this. If Slade reverted to his old ways, Dick would probably be beaten to a pulp – broken bones galore. But if Slade did keep his word, Dick would most likely find himself in that embarrassing and childish position once again; getting the walloping of his life. 

Either way, Dick was sure to experience some kind of physical discomfort, to say the very least. 

Was the emotional reward that important to risk all that? 

Yes, Dick desperately needed that emotional security. With either outcome, he'd know what to expect and how to proceed in his dealings with Slade. If Slade was not trustworthy, then Dick would just have to take it in stride. He'd know to always second question the man's words; walk on eggshells around him. But if Slade was trustworthy, then Dick could truly count on the man; could truly depend on him for anything. 

In truth, though, Dick wasn't sure which outcome frightened him more. 

So, how to push Slade to his very edge? Dick had to make the man absolutely furious with him. He had to push him beyond his snapping point. 

But what could Dick do? While Dick hadn't really smart mouthed Slade much recently, when he did, the man had more control. It was as if Dick's back talking outbursts weren't affecting Slade's temper as much as they did earlier. There were times the man didn't even do his breathing thing to calm down before coolly reprimanding him in that childish way. 

It was like Slade's patience with Dick had grown.

Dick knew there was only one way to truly make the man furious. He had done it once before, after all. Would Slade deal with him any different than the last time? Would he truly keep his promise if Dick did the same thing he did before? 

The very thought was frightening, crazy, and nerve racking. But Dick knew it was the only thing that would work. It was dangerous and stupid, no doubt; but the value of the emotional security would be well worth it. Dick was stuck here. For his clarity of mind and peace of heart, he had to do this. 

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