Eighteen - Tempers

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November 12th, 2008. Wednesday, 7:04 am. 

The morning seemed bright that day – although Dick wouldn't know since he wasn't allowed outside ever. He'd like to think it was a bright day. But somehow he felt a little more irritable than normal. Even if he could've seen the bright morning sunlight and the sparkling blue sky, he doubted it would've made him feel any better. The slight tickle in his throat that he had been experiencing for the past few day was getting worse and he was feeling a bit sluggish; but after his shower, he began to feel a little bit better. 

The tickle was still there, though; he seriously hoped he wasn't getting sick on top of everything. 

It had been almost two weeks since Slade found out about his... phobia. Dick didn't really like admitting that it was a phobia, but he knew it was best that he accept it as such. Slade had told him that accepting his fear would be the first step to gaining control over it. 

So, Slade was careful with Dick. Every day, Dick was forced to look at guns for a few minutes and learn about them. He wasn't forced to touch them yet, but Slade told him that with time it would come. Dick was thankful that the man was taking it all slow. He knew some techniques would be to immerse him in it, but thankfully Slade was taking the slow and easy route – so Dick would gradually get used to them. 

Thank goodness for that. 

It was strange how much time was passing for Dick. It'd been two months since he came to be here underneath Slade's control; and for the first month, it had felt like that. Dick had felt like a captive, beaten down by his abductor – feeling that he had someone he had to fight against. 

However, during the more recent month, everything changed. 

Despite where he was and who he was with, life had seemed more normal – perhaps even like the days with Bruce and Alfred. But there was a difference in feeling and Dick wasn't sure what it was. No, it wasn't the fact that he couldn't leave and that he was forced to be with these two men. There was just something else that felt different. 

Slade and Bruce were two different kinds of people. Both had their similarities, but they did have contrasting differences – and it wasn't their occupations nor their morals that Dick was comparing. 

Both men were dominate, both demanded total obedience, and both made very well sure that Dick obeyed without willfulness. Dick was also very afraid of both men; not that he'd tell either one that fact – although he was pretty sure that Slade knew. Dick also knew of each man's power in a very personal way, being trained by both; and each were terrifying beyond anything when furious. 

Bruce was very cool and collect in his mannerisms. He spoke in low and short tones; most of the time sounding sharp. His mere presence was intimidating at times. Dick couldn't recall ever hearing Bruce genuinely laugh or even chuckle once in the five years he had stayed with him. Bruce also demanded perfection. When Dick hadn't been able to do a move just right, Bruce would train him until he reached perfection. But it never seemed like Dick could ever master anything perfectly; thus, there were times he had felt Bruce's disappointment, even if he never outright said anything. 

Slade was impassive much of the time, controlling most of his emotions; however, he did smirk a lot – as if planning something mischievous. Slade's voice, much of the time, was smooth and even coaxing in nature. Dick had seen the man chuckle a few times as well. Slade didn't, however, require perfection from Dick. He did require Dick's best, though; and expected him to improve every time. Dick always seemed to have the man's approval, except when he mouthed off. 

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