Six - The Exposing Catalyst

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September 25th, 2008. Thursday, 8:32 pm. 

"Again, Robin," commanded Slade's low, smooth voice. Robin groaned elaborately, dropping his head onto the desk with a thump in front of the keyboard. 

Not again – anything else but again. Robin was so tired of running through this same hacking exercise, he was going crazy. It was endless – completely endless

But above all, he was bored. The endless training and studying was getting so tiring and boring. Some of the engineering, he had to admit, was interesting at times. But dealing with these never-ending stream of numbers hours upon hours today was mind numbingly boring. Why couldn't Slade just stick to his rigid schedule today? 

"Slade," muttered Robin. "Can't we do something else? Anything else?" 

"No. Again, Robin," instructed Slade. Robin left out another low moan before lifting his head up. 

"How many more times do I have to do this today?" 

"Until I say." 

"When's that?" 

"You're being impudent," warned Slade. 

"Oh, come on, Slade!" growled Robin, whirling around in the computer chair to face Slade. The grinding, clinking noise from the gears above rang in his ears. "I'm seriously going out of my mind with boredom here. We've been doing this all day." 

"It is one of the many things I will teach you," said Slade, putting his hands behind his back as he took a step closer to Robin. "In the which, you will continue learning and practicing. This is something you need to grind to learn. Again, Robin. Don't push me." 

Robin scowled and whirled back around in the chair; glaring at the computer screen for all its worth. He hated the man. He could be so unbending at times. Robin was so sick of this exercise – sick of it, sick of it! 

Yet another week had passed, making it a total of two weeks; fourteen days that Robin had been held captive by Slade. He was slowly getting used to the routine that Slade put him under and the major soreness from the intense training was beginning to ease up. It was surprising and somewhat unnerving when Slade strayed from the routine. It unsettled Robin; almost to the point of making him go crazy – like today. 

The routine kept him sane. 

Still, Robin had difficulty holding his tongue with Slade. But the man was so freaking irritating! Not to mention Robin missed his friends and while he wasn't ever alone – almost always with Slade – he was getting lonely for them. 

Would he ever see them again? 

Robin typed on the keyboard; his fingers flying quickly over the keys with precision. His fingers knew the keys perfectly by now. He went over the codes countlessly. 

But he had done the exercise so many times that day, not even exaggerating the number made him feel better. His fingers tapped the keys with power. He wished he could crush them. But Slade probably wouldn't appreciate it if he broke his equipment. 

Then, a small smile slipped through his lips. 

Slade was teaching him hacking – and he was doing pretty good, if he said so himself. If he could just... 

His fingers dashed over the keys frantically as he played out his plan. It was simple – truly simple. It would only take a moment; and in that moment, there was nothing Slade could do to stop him. His heart raced at the sheer recklessness at the stunt. But he couldn't hold back the excitement in his chest. 

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