Interlude: Fluff, Kitten, and Silkie

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April 18th, 2009. Saturday, 1:17 am. 

It was freezing. 

Dick Grayson shivered slightly as he tightened his jacket around himself more. The rain mercilessly lashed against his body, sending even more chills throughout his skin. He wrapped his arms around the bundle that was safely tucked in his jacket near his chest. It was late and he had to get home – and he had to get there quickly before the little orphaned creature in his arms died from the cold rain. It was barely halfway through April and he couldn't believe the freezing rain. This was California, for crying out loud. It felt like the rain was going to freeze his butt off. 

But he made it, finally; typing into the keypad to gain entrance into what he fully and completely considered his home. He was welcomed by the grinding sounds of gears overhead – back at Slade's haunt. 

His father's home. 

Making it his home, too. 

On February 26th of that year, Dick had signed a piece of paper that made him a son again and that gained him a father. Of course, that father had been none other than Slade Wilson, also known as the former mercenary, Deathstroke the Terminator – yes, he was retired now to be a fulltime father. 

Yes, it was indeed a long, strange, amazing story of how Dick Grayson – Robin, the Boy Wonder – had become the happy son of his arch enemy. But enemies they were no more. The two of them were now father and son. 

Still, they were both adjusting to it. 

After all, it had only been two months since Slade had retired; opening the door to both worlds for Dick. He could have the father he wanted and be the hero he wanted. It was strange dealing with the restrictions that Slade placed over him, but in all honesty, it was a small price to pay for the peace, safety, and pure joy that Dick always felt around the man. 

He had someone watching over him again and that was worth everything in the world to Dick. 

Dick also couldn't wait for his new siblings to come visit in June. But he was thankful that they weren't coming right away. He was glad for the time to adjust with just him and Slade. In some ways, he worried that once Slade's other children arrived that Dick wouldn't be Slade's son so much anymore. Perhaps Slade would favor his real son and daughter over him, with Dick falling into the background. 

But Dick tried his hardest to keep such insecure feelings at bay. There were so many things that Slade did that showed Dick that those feelings were simply silly and foolish. 

Still... Dick's heart wavered in its worry at times. Luckily, it calmed with every hug and touch that he gained from the man. Every moment of casual, caring touch to his chin to inspect his face for any injuries from Dick's hero work was merely an excuse to offer reassuring kindness in affection. 

Slade didn't have to say it for Dick to understand and know. 

But what he truly craved were those gentle, soft times where it would just be Dick and Slade, where his father would lean closer to him and whisper in the most tender of all voices: "I love you, son." 

Slade had done that twice now and Dick soaked it up happily. There were constant moments that reminded Dick that there was no better choice alive for his long empty position of Father. 

But, of course, there were moments that reminded Dick of the side that made Slade the strict military man that he was. 

He had gotten into some serious, serious trouble just not two weeks ago. For some reason, Starfire had been acting strange and dressing up in weird clothing. Dick couldn't get her to talk to him – she avoided him completely. Raven mentioned something about a giant zit, but Dick couldn't honestly believe that was all that had been going on with his friend. 

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