Fourteen - The Inhuman Human

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October 14th, 2008. Tuesday, 7:00 am. 

"Good morning," said Wintergreen as Dick walked into the kitchen the next morning. Dick nodded in reply and sat down at the table, feeling drained. He'd gotten a decent amount of sleep last night, even with the nightmare. But for some reason, he felt completely drained. He wasn't sure how he was going to get anything done today. He was just so physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. 

These past two days had been too strange for words; from the new way Slade was dealing with him, to the panic attack, to the nightmare – it seemed as if the entire atmosphere of the entire haunt had changed entirely. Plus the fact, Slade completely stopped wearing his mask. It was so odd to see his face; however, it did bring familiarity. 

But that was something Dick was afraid to have with the man. 

"How are you feeling?" asked Wintergreen, glancing over at him. 

"Fine," said Dick tonelessly. 

"Don't sound like it." 

"Tired. Just... really tired," murmured Dick. Wintergreen studied him for a moment. He dried his hands on a washcloth before coming to stand near Dick; placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Dick tried not to soak up the warmth like a sponge. 

"Are you sure you're all right?" 

"I said I'm fine," repeated Dick, wishing the old man wouldn't worry over him so much. 


Dick sighed loudly, knowing there was no way around this now. The old man wanted him to talk and would coerce it out of him one way or another. 

"I think I just need a break is all. It's been kind of grueling, you know," whispered Dick. He began to get momentum in his words. His tiredness loosened his tongue – not to mention that warm hand on his shoulder – and he found himself expressing his feelings a little too easily to the old man. 

"It's been rough this past month. And this new... change is really throwing me for a loop. Yesterday and last night... I don't know what to expect from Slade any more. I guess I'm confused over everything. I just wish I could relax for a day or so, you know? A vacation or something." Dick sighed, shaking his head. "Never mind, sorry for rambling, sir." 

Wintergreen patted Dick lightly on the back with a smile. 

"It's only going to get better from here on out." 

"So, I'm going back home today?" said Dick with a fake, cheerful smile. It slid away immediately as he shot Wintergreen a skeptical look. "Yeah, right." 

"No, I just meant here." 

"Yay..." drawled Dick weakly. 

"Trust me," said Wintergreen with another smile. He gave Dick one last pat on the shoulder before turning away. He walked to the entrance of the hallway and took a deep breath. 

"Slade, get your butt in here; there's an emergency!" shouted Wintergreen down the hallway. Dick's eyes snapped wide at the pronouncement; startled by the old man's sudden yelling. There was a loud noise, coupled with a door slamming open. Quick footsteps followed and Slade appeared at the entrance of the hallway, looking slightly disheveled with his white button down shirt untucked and his pure white hair askew. 

"Will, what is it?" breathed Slade; his chest heaving once in a deep breath. He glanced at Dick, whose eyes were wide with surprise. He was shocked by Wintergreen, but he was also shocked by the way Slade appeared. Dick hadn't ever seen the man look anything but immaculate in his attire, whether it be his Kevlar suit or his daily slacks. Even last night, Slade had appeared neat and orderly in his bathrobe. 

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