Thirty-Four - Confusing Events

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March 8th, 2009. Sunday, 6:30 pm. 

In other news, Richard Grayson, ward of the billionaire and enterpriser Bruce Wayne, was just recently adopted by Slade Wilson. Not much information is known how this came about, but it seems that young Mr. Grayson and Mr. Wilson met in Jump City, where the young lad has been studying in a high society private school – which information has been withheld – and it is said that the two of them hit it off quite nicely. Mr. Wilson seems to be one of the instructors at Mr. Grayson's school. One can only wonder how much influence the man must've had in the young lad's life to the point of reaching such a momentous decision. 

It would appear that Bruce Wayne now no longer has his charity case any more. 

The sad tale of young Richard happened almost eight years ago when his parents tragically fell to their deaths. The three of them were part of a circus act, The Flying Graysons, and were trapeze artists that didn't use a safety net. Tony Zucco, a feared crime lord, tried to extort money from the owner of the circus where the Graysons worked at. When the owner refused, Zucco sabotaged the trapeze wires, which snapped, leading to the deaths of Mary and John Grayson; thus, leaving poor seven year old Richard orphaned. Tony Zucco was later captured by Gotham City's Batman and two years afterwards, the man was shot and killed as he tried to escape prison. 

Now, nearly eight years after that terrible tragedy, it seems that young Mr. Grayson has a second chance at a new family. This Jump City news reporter must say that she is happy for the young lad and wishes him all the best. 

Good luck with your new family, Richard. We wish you the best.

"Titans! Main room, now!

That mental command blared through the entire tower as Raven's panicked voice flooded through everyone's minds. She had been flipping through the channels mindlessly, trying her hardest to keep her mind off of things – meditating just wasn't cutting it at that moment – when she came across the news report. She almost left it until a picture of a teenage boy appeared.

It reminded her too much of someone. 

The other Titans rushed into the main room, each looking extremely frantic. Raven pointed at the paused screen of the TV. She had to calm her breathing down – she was losing control. A current of her power blasted suddenly and one of the windows cracked. Raven had to close her eyes, mentally chanting her incantation in the effort to calm herself. She could do this. Calm. Down. 

"Raven... What's the matter?" asked Beast Boy, looking extremely worried. Raven opened her eyes slowly and pointed to the screen again. 

"Cyborg, bring up a comparison picture of Robin." 


"Hurry!" snapped Raven, trying extremely hard to calm the panic in her heart, but failing at it. 

"Raven, calm down. I'm on it," said Cyborg, looking completely unnerved by Raven's intensity. 

Starfire flew to Raven's side and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. But Raven would not accept the comfort. Not if what she thought was happening was actually happening. No, no, no, no! This couldn't be happening! That boy, Richard Grayson, wasn't Robin. He couldn't be their Robin. There's no way Robin would be adopted by Slade. What a ridiculous thought! This whole thing was complete coincidence. 

Breathe. Focus. Calm down. 

Her thoughts screamed at her. Raven found herself trembling. What if Slade had truly adopted Robin? What if that boy really was Robin? Why on Azarath would Slade adopt Robin? What terrible plot was working in that man's head? Was he trying to control Robin? What did adopting Robin mean for the two of them? Robin would have to obey him. Robin would be completely dependant on him. Any finances that Robin possibly had access to would be in Slade's complete control. 

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