Seventeen - Hit or Miss

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November 10th, 2008. Monday, 7:30 am. 

The air was stale in the tiny compartment that Beast Boy was waiting in. He buzzed his wings to get the stale air to breeze around him. There were a few holes, so that he could breathe, but it was still extremely stifling inside this thing. 

This was the second week that Cyborg and Beast Boy were infiltrating the H.I.V.E. Academy. So far the two of them had been perfectly undetected. Cyborg fit in perfectly with his 'classmates' and no one questioned the small container that was always on Cyborg's wrist. 

That's where Beast Boy was – in a tiny container. He could see out of it, but no one could see him. He was shape shifted into a little green fly, ready in case there was an emergency. 

But there wasn't one. 

Beast Boy honestly was getting tired of the mission. He knew and understood that it was of the utmost importance. But sitting in this container day in and day out was trying on the young changeling. He had to admit it: he was bored out of his mind. He knew that Cyborg depended on him a lot, but this was getting so boring. 

Luckily, Cyborg did let him out to stretch his limbs and do the necessities when needed, but Beast Boy wish he could do something fun in his fly form. He really needed to shrink a comic book or something. He was dying in here. 

But he really wanted to prove himself to Cyborg. He really looked up to his older friend. Cyborg was the oldest out of the entire group and was really almost like an older brother to Beast Boy. He was almost thirteen now – just under a month away – and he was anxious to get out of the little kid mold and into the teenager one. 

He wasn't just some little kid. 

But he was getting bored. Adults got bored, too, didn't they? Getting bored was not a sign of his young age. No, it wasn't at all. Anyone would get bored after being stuck inside a container all day long – except for breaks – for two weeks. They'd have to be some kind of radioactive zombie not to be. 

And it wasn't as if he could talk to Cyborg either. It wasn't possible to talk in his fly form. All he could do was watch Cyborg as he went through the day in classes. His older friend would casually ask questions to the other students, but from what Beast Boy gathered – he only managed to pay attention sixty-five percent of the time – no student had anything to offer. 

And it was like that every single day. No one had anything to say about Slade. Well, many revered the man. Beast Boy couldn't believe how many of the students wanted to be the man's apprentice. But no one had any concrete information that could prove useful. It was discouraging. 

Beast Boy was going crazy. He was now at his limit. He buzzed his wings furiously, trying to signal Cyborg. He needed a break. He needed out of this stupid thing. He was trying – he really was, but this was just getting too hard on his young nerves. 

And no, he wasn't a kid. 

Luckily, Cyborg got the message. He excused himself from the class that he was currently attending and hurried to the public lavatory. He locked the door behind himself so no one could walk in on them. Then, satisfied that no one would enter, Cyborg popped the lid open to the little compartment. 

Beast Boy flew out immediately; morphing into his human form and collapsing to the floor onto his back. 

"What's going on, BB?" asked Cyborg, sounding a little worried. 

"Duuuude," cried Beast Boy weakly. "I can't take it any more. I'm bored out of my mind." 

Cyborg folded his arms and sent a stern look his way. Beast Boy almost squirmed under that glare. With the human hologram that Cyborg was using to cover up his synthetic features, the chocolate skinned boy that towered over him looked like a powerful buff football player that could totally kick his butt. 

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