Twelve - Strategy of Infiltration

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October 12th, 2008. Sunday, 1:00 pm. 

'Azarath, metrion, zinthos.' 

Raven repeated the incantation in her mind as she meditated. Her heart rate was constant and peaceful. Her breathing was calm and controlled. Each line of the incantation was said slowly and carefully with exactness. 

'Azarath, metrion, zinthos.' 

However, no matter how calm her body was currently, her mind would not calm down. Her thoughts raged at terrible speeds, flittering wildly throughout the cavities of her brain. No matter how much meditating she did in a day, she just could not bring her mind to stillness. It refused to be at peace. 

But that's how it had been all month long. It had been a month now since the day Starfire had made everyone realize that Robin had been taken away – and most likely by Slade. Raven would've never imagined being affected like this by another person's disappearance from her life – but she was; all too much, in fact. 

Had Robin truly affected her that much that she would be completely unable to control her mind and emotions at his disappearance? Was it because he had been the first to offer her the hand of friendship – something that she had never imagined that she would ever attain because of who and what she was? 

Whatever was the reason, the fact remained that she was greatly affected by Robin's disappearance and it wasn't changing any time soon. 

The other Titans, however, were beginning to accept the situation. It wasn't as if they had accepted that he was gone, but they had moved on in the daily things of life. They had to if they wanted to continue to protect the city like Robin would've wanted them to. The initial issues that the others had once had at their friend's kidnapping had slowly begun to get better. 

Starfire was able to fly better now. She was returning back to her cheerful self and even attempted to bring the others up like she usually did. It was as if she was really making the effort to bring peace and happiness to everyone. She smiled more and was back to making more of those alien foods she loved so much. But Raven could sense the deep sorrow that the girl was burying inside her heart. 

Beast Boy was somewhat back to his usual self, although he had his moments of stillness where he would gaze at nothing in particular in deep thought – something that amazed Raven to no end. He seemed to have aged over the month somewhat as if he really was trying to be more mature. Although he was once again returning to his usual self of repeating poor, yet at times, funny jokes. 

The stress for Cyborg was leveling off. He worked harder than any of them to fill in the void that Robin's disappearance caused. He was really rising up to the position of being the leader and even was giving more advice to each of them. He was almost acting like a older brother even. However, there were many times that Raven could see that he was completely frustrated with the whole situation. 

Not that she blamed him – she was, too. They hadn't received any word from Batman after they had contacted him. No word at all. She wished the man would, at least, give them an update; but she understood that he wasn't the type to do so. 

Nonetheless, she was completely irritated by the man. She still could remember trying her hardest to maintain control while speaking to him two weeks ago in that late night call. She had felt the man's ire towards the fact that Robin had created Red X was completely unneeded at the time. She had surprised herself when she had outright lied to Batman, but she was thankful that the others hadn't argued the fact. She just had been so annoyed that her control slipped and the lie left her lips before she could stop it. 

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