Chapter 1-Before

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Very important A/N below to avoid any future confusion with the story. Thanks for giving this story a shot 😚

It's so cold in here, my world is freezing and slowly but surely collapsing on me. It became harder to breathe and I found myself hiding behind fake smiles. Going through this much pain and for what?

For the hope that he one day will tell me that he loves me?

I'm sacrificing everything, throwing myself in an endless dark tunnel of pain for the hope of a single ounce of happiness.

Emotions are no less than a blessing from God because no one has got enough of them. But at times, this blessing becomes more of a pain for you when they are one sided. Not everyone is lucky enough to be loved back by people whom they fall for. It happens too often for people to fall in love with someone who doesn't love them back or don't feel the same way for them. The same beautiful feeling of love turns into a miserable situation for you.

One sided love is never easy. It puts you in grief all the time because your heart does not understand and keeps on expecting from the loved one. You get hurt every time your expectation is not fulfilled and your heart falls apart. You keep on trying to evoke the same feelings in the next person's heart and don't want to give up despite the closed door in front of you.

Your ego hurts and your friends blame you for not moving on but your love doesn't let you do that. The only solution to this is patience. I do not blame myself for indulging in this because you can not control your heart to fall for some particular person and not the other.

We live in a world full of pain. Where love is blind and words are left in vain. Where trust is lost and never to be gained.

It's hard to wait around for something that you know might never happen. But it's even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.

I've been losing so much of myself, so much of my sanity. I watched it all burn down to flames, the worst part though...was that I was the one that threw the match that burned everything. He was the one to light it up and hand it to me, yes, but I didn't fight and just burned all of me.

The scars hidden, they run too deep, no one would ever be able to tell from my innocent surface they even existed. Our love was toxic, but he had such a strong hold on me, I couldn't even breathe let alone escape him. He was the addiction I couldn't get over, the addiction I didn't want to get over.

I let him destroy me and I just watched and gave him all my love. I was afraid if he told me to die, I'd do just that. His grip on my heart so strong and he just kept squeezing and never having mercy on me.

"I'm not sure what scares me more, that you'll never start loving me, or that I'll never stop loving you..."

I whispered, watching him sleep peacefully and hoped he wouldn't hear me. It hurt to know that I was afraid I'd lose him if he was ever to find out just how much I really loved him.

There were times I'd tell him 'I love you', but the silence in return and the fear in his eyes were always enough for me to laugh my confession off.

There I laid beside him in bed, giving in to his needs. Stupidly thinking that was his only way of showing his love.

Even stupid to think that he gave me as much as faithfulness. Because I knew deep down that I wasn't the only one. The scary part was that I knew I never will and still stayed and loved unconditionally.

Tell Me You Love Me 《Bieber》✔Where stories live. Discover now