Chapter 12-After

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Playlist: Not afraid anymore-Halsey

Justin's P.O.V

The drive was as expected, silent. I didn't even bother turning on the radio and neither did she. We were getting closer to our destination anyways, there was no need to acknowledge the awkwardness any further.

I wasn't even sure if she knew where exactly I was taking her, but she didn't make an effort to ask either. Deep down I was glad she still didn't lose all trust whatsoever in me.

Soon enough the familiar building comes in view, bringing the car to a stop under it, the valet comes around to my side to take the keys.

Stepping out the car, I hand him the key with a small appreciative smile before making my way to the other side of the car. Only for her to open the door and already step out, preventing any sweet gesture from my side.

I shouldn't really be expecting any other treatment, she had every right to act cold towards me. It was still raining and so I quickly usher her inside the building. And soon enough we stand in the empty elevator, the awkwardness almost suffocating me. And I wonder if it was just me.

The door to the elevator opens inside my apartment, a small gasp escaping her lips on taking in the sight before her. I gaze at her while she gazes in a different direction, wondering if she'd ever know that I had her in mind the whole time while decorating this whole place.

"You live here alone?"

Was the first time she spoke since we got in the car, her voice barely above a whisper, but her voice will always be the only noise I could hear in a crowd of screams.


But you were supposed to be sharing it with me...

"It's really beautiful, Justin"

It wasn't only hearing her voice utter my name again, that sucked the breath out of my lungs

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It wasn't only hearing her voice utter my name again, that sucked the breath out of my lungs. It was her green eyes looking into mine as well. And I wonder if she could see the pain I was feeling deep down behind my eyes.

"You haven't seen anything yet" I shake my head slightly.

Fluttering my eyes closed, I try and compose myself as she steps outside the elevator and inside the apartment. Stepping out behind her, I find her standing in her spot and looking down at her soaked clothes. On realising what she must be thinking, I imidiatelly speak up.

"Someone is coming to clean the place up tomorrow anyways, don't worry"

I reach out to touch her arm, but I imidiatelly retreat my hand, knowing that she wouldn't like me touching her. And you could only start and imagine how much pain that simple thought brought me.

"Let me get you something to change in..." I trailed off, already starting to walk off in the direction of the staircase.

"That won't be necessary-"

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