Chapter 6-After

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Playlist: I can't breathe-Bea Miller

It was years ago that I felt trapped, in a cage that I sadly built for myself. It was back then, that I felt weak and in pain. And it was then that I still would've stayed and fought for something, I wasn't even sure was worth the fight, the pain, the tears and all those sleepless nights.

But time passed and a long time at that. And I was stronger now, or at least I wanted to believe that I was. I moved on, with a few memories still lingering at the back of my head, but I no longer ached for something that could've never been.

I once stayed. Now I just wanted to run. And that was exactly what I did. I couldn't handle the fact that he was really right infront of me. Because seeing him on the cover of magazines is a totally different story from being trapped in those pools of brown he calls eyes.

It was when the clock finally struck, indicating the end of my shift, that I finally snapped back in reality. Tearing my eyes away from his was one of the hardest things I had to endure.

And I have endured alot...

Ripping my apron off of me, I barge into the break room. Carelessly throwing the apron aside before grabbing my things and then quickly leaving. With the hope that he got the message and wouldn't chase after me, I made my escape.

But then he never chased me, so why would he now?

And like he always seemed to enjoy destroying my hopes, he did exactly just that by following me outside and down the sidewalk. And no matter how fast my pace was, he still jogged to catch up to me, refusing to just let me escape.

I come to a halt, stand frozen to my spot when he reached out and grabbed a hold of my forearm.

"I heard that you were getting married..."

And that was when I let myself get consumed in a bubble he created again. Tuning out all the noises from the busy streets and the people going about their lives. It was almost like everything else was moving in slow motion, like nothing mattered but us in that moment.

"And I wasn't invited. I had to know that, by accident might I add, from my own mother"

For some reason I couldn't do all the things I mentally once prepared myself to do if we were to ever have an encounter. I didn't yell at him, I didn't run away, I didn't slap him hard across the face...hell, I didn't even move a muscle.

His voice, his touch and just his presence was overwhelming to me. After three years from the painful break up. Three years since I last seen his face or even heard his voice...I just couldn't seem to function enough to run away, like my body was begging me to do so bad.

"You know why we couldn't have invited you..."

I whispered, barely finding my voice. And it was the sympathy and slight guilt laced with my tone, that caught me completely off guard. Of all the scenarios I had to if and when we ever met again, guilt or sympathy was never part of them. They mainly just consisted of a slap and yelling.

Or maybe it was sadness that overtook me suddenly. After all, there was a time when I loved him with all my heart and even dreamed of a future with him. I still remember how I'd dreamed of our wedding together all these years ago.

But that was the thing. There was no us anymore, there was no more pain or even anger left. It was only the feeling of hollowness that lingered deep inside my heart, wondering of what could've been if he was to ever love me back when he still had me.

But all that just seemed like a faraway dream, only a memory stuck at the very back of my head. Now my heart lied in the hands of a completely different man. A man that loved me with everything in him.

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