Chapter 20-After

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Playlist: What is love-Frances

Narrator's P.O.V

"Okay, so the wedding has been moved up, bo hoo, that only gives us more time to finish everything on time!"

Ivy was trying to console her friend, she has been down ever since Tyler told her that they'd be moving up the wedding. Add to that the fact that he was currently in a totally different country.

"You're probably right...everything will be just fine"

Putting on a brave smile, she tried reassuring her friends that she was feeling just fine. But there was no way she felt okay with the current change of plans. Just a few days ago, everything was flowing just perfectly and in the right direction they planned for it.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go, we have alot to do today"

All while Ivy was doing the cheerful talk, Peyton was sat beside Nevaeh on the couch, looking over at her discretely and knowing that their friend was just putting on a brave face for them. She wished they could do anything to help, but maybe get her mind off current things was the only thing they could truly currently do.

"Oh my god, we're not going to the mall, are we?"

Peyton groaned, letting her head fall back. She didn't hate the mall, she just wasn't a big fan of shopping with Ivy, that's all.

"Get your ass up, you don't have a say in today's plans!"

With her hands placed on her hips, Ivy gave off much more authorative vibes after pregnancy. There was no way either one of the girls could say anything against her plans. She could be taking them both to hell, but they'd still have no say in it. That was just how bossy Ivy was.

To Peyton's surprise and relief, Ivy decided to take them to the spa. Her tall brunette friend couldn't help but sigh in relief, earning a glare from Ivy, but she didn't mind it as long as they were getting spa treatment.

It helped that Ivy's family were close friends with the owner and so it was the owner's treat to the girls. And after learning that Nevaeh was getting married soon, she insisted on giving them the best treatment in the spa. For a moment, Peyton contemplated hugging Ivy from the happiness that swirled in her heart. It was a place she only dreamed of after all.

But these two's relationship was never that mushy, they secretly cared and loved one another, just never really showed it with words but rather with actions.

The hot water of the Jacuzzi engulfed their bodies, relaxing their tensed muscles. The three girls had their eyes closed as the hot water massaged their bodies. An idea hitting the blonde, got her eyes snapping open suddenly.

"I have a great idea!" She announced.

"I can't really complain since your previous great idea got us here, so...go on" Peyton mumbled with her eyes still closed.

"How about we change the wedding location?" She excitedly suggested.

Now that got the two girl's attention. Snapping both of their eyes open, they divert their gazes in Ivy's direction.

"Say what now?" Peyton asked, raising both eyebrows.

"We could change it to Paris, the city of love. That could amend things between you two!"

She spoke excitedly, looking straight into Nevaeh's eyes. If she was resembling an emoji right that second, the heart eyes emoji one would suit her best.

"Ivy..." Nevaeh breathed out, not sure of what exactly to say.

"It's a great plan, trust me! Tyler will love it too, I'm sure of it!"

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