Chapter 19-Before

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Playlist: Angel by the wings-Sia

Narrator's P.O.V

She didn't know why he was there, but whatever reason it was, she didn't want him here. It wasn't clear to her why exactly she tried hiding from him. She could just easily turn him down like she easily used to do with any guy she didn't feel like dealing with in the past.

But she knew he was different from all those good for nothing guys she used to waste her time on. And she couldn't possibly be mean after him going out of his way on thanksgiving to just spend it with her. She didn't buy his whole 'I couldn't find someone to spend it with'. She was sure he did, but just chose to spend it with her instead. The reason behind it still being a mystery to her.

"What are you doing here? I'm starting to think you're some creep that's stalking me"

She wanted for it to sound somewhat as a joke, but deep down she knew she meant her words seriously. She just hoped he wouldn't pick up on that.

"This is a bar, Peyton. I came here for a night out with the guys..."

Nodding in a certain direction, she follows his gaze to land on a table of four guys. They were all laughing while drinking, every once in a while stealing a glance in their friend's direction. Wondering who that hot brunette Jack was standing with was.

"Oh..." She trailed off, feeling embarrassed by her assumption.

"Yeah...I don't think you're here alone, are you?"

Shoving his hands deep in his pockets, he couldn't help but suddenly feel awkward.

"No, my friends are with me as well..."

Running a hand through her hair, it was one of the things she unconsciously did when feeling nervous or awkward. It was definitely being awkward, why would she feel nervous, she mentally scoffed.

"Do you want to...maybe have a drink together? "

Deep down, he wondered why he was feeling this nervous. He was always a confident guy, anything barely affecting him. He was confused with this feeling he was getting. Maybe that was the reason he tried perusing her and trying to understand why his body always had this pull towards her. He'd be damned if he didn't find an answer.

Glancing over her shoulder at her friends, she locks eyes with her blonde friend. Maybe the reason she wanted to decline the offer, was because she had already assured her friends that she was done with her old ways and would be taking a break from guys. She wanted to leave old habits behind, not to use a guy to ease some of her trouble away. She wanted to prove to her two best friends that she was honestly willing to leave her old ways behind.

But a look into his eyes, told her that maybe he wasn't someone she was just going to use. And that scared her to the core. She couldn't allow anyone too close, she wouldn't let herself get hurt the same way her parents did.

But she could feel it, the pull between them. And even she couldn't deny it, when all she wanted was to escape it.


And despite herself, she hears the word escape past her red coated lips.

One drink wouldn't hurt anyone. She thought as he led her to the bar. Taking a seat beside him, she could almost feel the burning gazes of her two best friends. But she decided to ignore it and lifted the one drink, she assumed they'd only be having for the night, up to her lips.

Little did she know that everything would be starting with that one drink.


Squinting her eyes, the sun beamed annoyingly into the room. She lifted her arm up to shield her eyes, when a groan sounding from beside her, brought her movements to a sudden halt.

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