Chapter 7-Before

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Playlist: Six feet under-Billie Eilish

(lyric video up, make sure you play it while reading 💔)

Justin's P.O.V

Loud yelling filled the house, like every night and I couldn't do anything but play loud music in my bedroom, in hopes that it'd be louder than the yelling.

But even through the loud music, I could still hear their words. They felt like knives being thrown straight into my heart.

I was sat in the middle of the bed, my little arms wrapped around my knees as I rocked myself back and forth. Repeating the silly mantra I made for myself. But like always, it didn't do much.

Everything's gonna be okay. One day you'll move out and find someone that will truly love you.

I kept repeating the words in my head, my eyes shut tightly as I willed them to become my reality soon. But even with the loud music, I could still hear their words loud and clear. Crashing past the thin walls of the house and smashing against my fragile body.

They fought. They fought every night and I just wished they'd get a divorce. But then the fear of neither of them wanting to take me crept through my head. The thought nestled itself right in the middle of my head.

Little did I know that my wish would come true that very night...

"I can't live like this anymore...I want a divorce"

It fell silent after that, all the screaming, yelling and noises of things crashing, it all went silent. Everything just stopped, leaving my loud music to fill the silence and it almost felt like a normal day in a kid's bedroom. But it was anything near normal.

"Fine! But I want you and that kid out of my house tonight"

"Tonight?! Where am I supposed to go? We'll leave in the morning, don't you worry"

The hurt and pain behind her tone of voice was so evident. It hurt to hear the pain and desperation behind her voice.

"You leave tonight or there's no divorce"

He knew there was nowhere for us to go at an hour like this. But that was the reason behind him wanting us to leave tonight. He never heard her when she begged for a divorce, forcing us to live with him. Maybe it was the fact that when we left, will he only be lonely. No one would care, but then again neither me nor my mother cared about him.

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