Chapter 22-After

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Playlist: Gone-Bebe Rexha

Paris and romance goes together like peanut butter and jelly, like café and croissants. Which is why Ivy believed it'd be the perfect place to amend her friend's relationship with her finance.

"I can't wait to try out the wine and food, they say it's so good here in Paris. But then again, everything is so good here"

Falling back into the huge bed, Peyton has her arms stretched out on either side, staring up at the small but beautiful chandelier hanging above her.

"If this thing kills me like in horror movies, at least it'd be a fashionable death"

Peyton argued when Ivy tried convincing her of taking another room instead. There were two other rooms in the hotel's suite, but this was the only one with a balcony of a great view.

"Are you excited, Vaeh?"

Placing a hand over her friend's shoulder, Ivy searches her friend's eyes for an answer, not waiting for a spoken one.

"Of course, I mean I get to get married in Paris, the city of love. And I get to have a second chance. Excited?...Well, nervous too"

Walking towards the balcony, Nevaeh opens the door and slides inside. A smile imidiatelly pulling up to her face at the beautiful scenery before her. Even the air smelled good, she thought. Looking down at couples walking hand in hand, she was reminded with Ivy's first words on arriving to Paris.

"Oh la la, love is in the air"

And she was right, love was in the air and it travelled around, falling like a blanket of safety on those who needed it the most. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Nevaeh feels relieved somehow from the small squeeze of reassurance Ivy was giving her shoulder.

"Everything's gonna be alright, you'll be just fine. Just trust me on this one..."

It was maybe her soft smile that melted some of Nevaeh's worries away. A small smile creeps up to her face and it's not long before their third friend joins them in the balcony.

"What do you guys say we take a tour around the city?"

A smirk takes over Ivy's red painted lips at Peyton's suggestion.

"I say that's genius, let's go"

Exploring the city was perfect to take their minds off everything going on lately. They all had their own worries and doubts, but together all those worries seemed to just cease to exist. With ice cream cones and huge smile on their faces, a bubble of laughter covers them as they make their way down the sidewalk, exploring whatever that's to come next.


Meanwhile in a fancy apartment, far away from Paris, is an exhausted looking shiloutte. Running his hands through his growing hair, reminding him that it's due a haircut already. Falling down on his king sized bed, he can't help but let her words from a couple days earlier swarm his head again.

She was back and she was willing to help him fix what she had originally broken? That was so absurd, even for her. He remembers sitting back in his leather chair and waiting for her to let her head fall back in laughter. He was so sure she was just joking around, but why would she come all the way from Paris and to his company to play a stupid prank? Surely she wasn't that bored back in Paris.

"What do you want?"

"Why to help you of course..."

"You? Help me? With what?"

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