Chapter 2 😄

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I was sleeping when the door bell woke me up I raised up looking at the pad on the wall it was Eunji and Taehyun. I let them in I walked over greeting them. Taehyun said "I'm glad you are home". He turned to Eunji she was crying. I said "what's wrong with you" she said "Sooyoung went home with CEO for work why can't I". I smiled she was funny I sat down. She kept complaining about how he is messing with her. I was shocked she was taking it to serious. Then my phone buzzed I looked at it. I was scared it was Mr. Park. When I opened the message I was scared to even read it.

*Mrs. Lee I need to see you first thing
in the morning. Its about the editing
also bring Eunji as well. Have a great

I sighed this was bad but I had to do it he was my boss. After Taehyun and Eunji went home I laid my work clothes. Then got a quick shower and went to bed.

    The next morning I headed to the office early because of him wanting to meet. I got there the same time Eunji did. I told her about him needing to see us. She was excited and started fixing her hair and her clothes. I did not want to be in the room with them two. As we was on our way up she said "I wonder if he just wants us to "talk" you know I think he really does like me" I said "yes as a worker". She glared at me then we reached the floor. The lady at the desk smiled. She said "go on in he's about to leave for a meeting". We walked in there he was actually getting up. He stopped Eunji said "Mr. Park". Jay nodded then he said "why is your department always late turning in my edits". Eunji said "because some of them take their time even with a deadline they won't listen". She looked at me she said "even her". I looked at her surprised Jay nodded. He said "ok you two are demoted" I gasped. Eunji said "why me I do a great job" he snickered. He said "you are back to editing Taehyun gets your position and Morgan". He tapped his foot for a second he said "coffee duty until I can think of another thing". Eunji stormed out I turned leaving Mr. Park said "stop". I did he said "your my new assistant". I turned looking at him he said "starting today so go see Mrs. Kim for your job". I nodded then walked to the desk. She smiled then showed me everything I literally had to make sure his schedule was fine and clean. Then make sure he had everything in from departments. As I was working and Mrs. Kim helping me Jay passed by. He hit the elevator button then he turned running back to his office. Then I was called to the office I got up walking in there. He was holding a folder. He handed it to me he said "fix this for me its Eunji's edits". I nodded then he said "are you going on the business trip" I said "um I'm going to try if I have enough money". He crossed his arms he said "I'll pay for you" I said "no no no um I can't accept that Eunji has a huge crush on you and I can't do that not that I don't like you I can't do that". I looked down I was a idiot just now the hands was on my shoulder. I looked up Mr. Park was so close. He said "Eunji has nothing on you". He leaned in he was so close then the door opened. He hugged me instead he said "coffee duty is not that bad" I realized what he was doing. This big idiot then Taehyun said "sir is it true I get Eunji's job". Mr. Park let me go then he said "yes its true". Then I left Taehyun was surprised. Then I went back to Mrs. Kim my face was red. I patted my face then sighed. Mrs. Kim said "he embarrass you or something" I nodded. She smiled then finished showing me what she needed and left. Jay announced a emergency meeting and every department had to be there. I got up he pointed at me he said "follow me" I nodded. Taehyun was behind him he was confused as well. When we got to the meeting everyone was confused. Jay sighed he said "ok listen up". He said "we had some demotions and also some upgrades as everyone knows Mrs. Kim is having her first child with her husband so she has officially left so my new assistant is Miss. Morgan Lee". He said "then we demoted Eunji from head of the editing department now its Taehyun he is now the leader everything BETTER be in on time or you will face punishment everyone in the department not just the leader". Then he said "also I moved the trip up so tonight everyone meet at the airport 10:00pm no later if you are not there you get left". Everyone nodded he said "now get back to work you are all dismissed". Everyone was leaving I stood up then glanced at Mr. Park. He was on his phone he glanced at me then smiled but turned. I walked out Eunji grabbed my arm jerking me to the side. She said "how you are a coffee girl". I said "I don't know either but he gave it to me I'm happy I get a raise". She said "you are ugly you can't be his assistant". The door opened Mr. Park came out. Eunji said "sir rethink your decision in assistants". Taehyun nudged her she said "Morgan isn't fit for the job let me". He said "no"P"e" he made sure to sound the P out. Then he said "10:00 airport or you don't go". He left then she glared at me Taehyun gave me a high five. After work I went home I packed. When I finished I walked out of my house. Then stopped Mr. Park was leaning against his car.

He looked at me then he said "get in we got a plane to catch"

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He looked at me then he said "get in we got a plane to catch". I nodded then walked down there he took my bag. After it was put in I got in the he shut the door. When he got in he started the car and we left. As we was at the airport he had a company plane. This was amazing. Everyone made it and that was the best thing. I was sitting in a row alone I looked around. Taehyun was sitting with his friends from design. Eunji was sitting with some other department to. Then someone sat down. It was Mr. Park he smiled then someone started talking to him he turned to talk back. The plane left for Tahiti Bora Bora. Everyone cheered after we took off safely and it was going to be a long ride I fell asleep. Jay was on his phone then my head fell on his shoulder. He looked at me then smiled he left me alone. He enjoyed the plane ride. Eunji was sending death glares my way and I didn't care I was asleep and resting good. 

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