Chapter 12 🐳🐋🐟

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   The next morning I woke up the sun was shining through the windows. I sighed then stretched I noticed Jay was still sleeping he looked peaceful. He must have a lot of stress with me and the girls and his company. I raised up but felt a hand go across my waist I looked down. Jay had his eyes opened barely he said "lay with me just a little longer" I laid back down. As he was still resting I sighed playing with his hair. Then I heard his phone beep I reached for it. Jay took my hand he said "no". I looked at him he was awake he said "no phones we are on vacation" I said "but the girls". He said "they are fine I know it". I nodded then he sighed rolling over he stretched. I said "why did you turned away" he said "huh". He was going to play this game huh. I got up he said "where are you going". I never said anything he said "hey" I walked out. He got up following me he grabbed my wrist turning me to face him. He said "I was talking to you" he waited I said "I didn't hear you" he rolled his eyes he said "haha". I smiled he said "you are so rude". I said "I learned it from you" he said "what else did you learn from me huh" I said "nothing. Jay said "well then" I smiled. He said "ok then I'm hungry let's change and go eat breakfast somewhere really good" I said "deal". We went and changed I put on some blue jean shorts and a cute tank top and sandals. Jay went with his shorts a tank top and slides. He kinda fixed his hair I pulled mine up. Jay said "let's go" he grabbed his keys and phone. I grabbed my phone and his wallet to see if he would notice. When we got to the car he sighed hitting his head on the car. I said "what is it" he said "my wallet is in the house" I snickered. Jay looked at me right when I slid his wallet to him. He said "sneaky I love it" he got in the car. I was about to open the door when he locked them I gasped he laughed. I said "park Jaebum open the door" he said "what can't hear you" I glared at him. Then he rolled the window down he said "is there a problem babe" I sighed he smiled I slid through the window he said "oh being sexy". I smacked his shoulder then he kissed my cheek. He smiled said "you know I love you right" I said "its questionable". Then we left he took the top off the car. As we as driving down the road I looked at him. He had his sunglasses on smiling away. I turned the radio on he looked at me. Then he started singing with it and its the first I ever heard his voice he was amazing. He glanced at me he said "what". I said "you can sing like really good" he smiled. He said "its our secret understand". I nodded then I said "why don't you become famous or something" he said "I like my company I built it why go and change my whole life for a job I could lose if I get hurt bad". I nodded he said "besides I get to see you everyday after work" I rolled my eyes. Jay laughed he seen a restaurant on the ocean. He said "want to go there" I looked I said "yea let's go" he turned around going back. When we entered the place it had fishes everywhere in tanks they even had a baby shark. I was fascinated by it. Jay said "two" the lady nodded and took us to a table then we sat down and waited to order. I said "I have a question" he nodded. I sighed then said "what do you think about marriage" he leaned back he said "I don't really know I never really put much thought on it why" I said "nothing". Jay said "did someone say something because we aren't married and already have two beautiful girls". I said "no no one said anything". Jay nodded then a waiter appeared she smiled. She said "can I take your order" she was trying to flirt with Jay I noticed. He said "um what do you want" I said "the seafood dish". I looked at him he handed the menus to her. He said "two seafood dishes". She walked off Jay said "is something wrong" I said "nope". He said "nice try but you are mad she was flirting with me wasn't you". I looked away he said "awe so feisty today".  Then it wasn't long our food was here then the waiter sat down with us she actually sat down. I looked at Jay he was so shocked. She said "back to earlier can I have your number". I scoffed Jay said "I'm not single" she said "really I thought she was a friend" I looked away. Then I stood up grabbing my plate I dumped everything on her then my drink she screamed. I turned leaving Jay yelled "MORGAN". He got up he paid then came outside. When he caught me he said "are you serious why did you do that huh" I said "I'm tired of this Sooyoung to that freaking waiter why don't you marry one of them they can help you with your dream I'll take care of Naeun and Haeun". Jay said "don't you dare pin this on me DONT EVEN DREAM ABOUT IT TAKING MY GIRLS". He said "if you want to leave then go I won't chase you anymore but I will not let you take my daughters anywhere". I said "you can't stop me" he said "watch me". I turned to leave he grabbed my wrist unlocking the car he pushed me in the car then slammed the door he walked around getting in when he left he never spoke he never said anything of where we was going or anything. Then we came to a cliff side he stopped the door he said "get out". He got out then waited I got out. When i seen a little table and a tiny bock. I walked over there Jay crossed his arms. He said "did it ever occur to you why I brought you back here" I said "so you could have a vacation" he said "no open that box". I picked it up I opened it and a diamond ring was in it he said "I planned to ask you to marry me but I guess its over now then huh". I looked at him I hated myself right now why was I making big deals out of small things. Jay said "well" I looked down I started crying I said "I'm so sorry Jay" I sat the box down. I felt terrible he sighed he walked over to me he said "I never answered your question truly because I was scared you would find out my plans all along". He said "and what happened at the restaurant I'll let it slide on one condition and you have a choice". I looked at him. He took the ring out of the box kneeling he said "my crazy loving girlfriend and mother of my daughters will you stop getting jealous and marry me". I looked at him then he smiled. I said "of course" he put the ring on my finger. Then I hugged him I said "I'm so so sorry" he laughed I said "I love you" he said "I love you too".

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