Chapter 16 😨😷

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7:00am Surgery Day.

   It was the day of the surgery everyone was there Jay and the girls. Taehyun and Eunbi and even my father came. Jay was playing with Naeun who was pulling his bracelet he smiled Haeun was in my dads arms. Every one was on the edge. Jay sighed he was playing with Naeun hoping to take some of his worries away. Taehyun was still freaking out about what Jay asked him. He couldn't wrap his head around it at all. Then Eunbi nudged him he looked at her she said "are you ok" Taehyun nodded. Jay glanced at him then he looked back at Naeun. Haeun squealed catching his attention. Jay said "I'm sorry missy didn't mean to ignore you". They was all watching Jay as he was playing with his girls. Taehyun looked at Eunbi he sighed she smiled taking his hand. Jay said "I know everyone is tired do you want me to go get us some food". Taehyun said "no you wait here I'll go get it". Eunbi said "I'll go to" Jay said "my treat" then he got up. He passed Naeun to Eunbi then he walked to the elevator Taehyun sighed. He went after him then stopped the elevator. Jay looked up he said "what" Taehyun got on he sighed he said "was you serious". The doors closed Jay nodded he looked down. He said "I know it is a lame excuse but I can't live without her" Taehyun said "but look what you will be leaving behind". He sighed he said "Jay they need a father and that's you not me". Taehyun said "I couldn't live with myself if they grew up calling me dad". Jay sighed he said "I don't know what to do". Taehyun said "if she don't make it then raise your daughters and grieve at the same time I'll be here for you but I can't raise them it will hurt to much". Jay said "I understand" Taehyun said "but on a different note she's not going to die". Jay looked at him Taehyun said "she has to much going for her she hasn't even got to wear her wedding dress you think she is going to let that go". Jay said "oh gosh" he smiled. Eunbi was sitting there as my dad was looking at Haeun. He sighed when then doctor came out. He said "family" dad stood the doctor said "surgery went well she's in recovery we repaired everything we needed and no serious head trauma". Eunbi sighed the doctor said "she got off lucky usually wrecks like these cause serious damage or death". Eunbi sighed she said "thank you doctor". Then the doctor left father handed Eunbi Haeun then he walked out she was stuck there. She said "wait I need help" she was left there with the babies. Eunbi sighed then she needed to call Jay and Taehyun. As she was sitting there a nurse was walking by. She said "can you help me please". The nurse stopped she said "with what" Eunbi said "can you hold one" then a voice said "why". She turned it was Jay and Taehyun. Taehyun said "oh where did everyone go". Jay dropped his bag he said "what happened to her". Eunbi froze then she said "oh Jay she". Taehyun hung his head Jay turning leaving". Eunbi was worried she said "I didn't finish she's fine" Taehyun said "she made it through". He smiled then chased after Jay. When he got outside he found him. Taehyun yelled "PARK JAEBUM SHES ALIVE".Jay turned he was shocked Taehyun yelled "YOU GET TO KEEP YOUR DAUGHTERS AND MORGAN". Jay covered his face he hit the ground. Taehyun ran over there when he got over there Jay was crying he was so relieved. Taehyun said "now cancel that adoption plan". Jay nodded then he stood up hugging Taehyun. Eunbi came out carrying the girls. She smiled then Jay took them both he hugged them tightly he said "my blessings". Taehyun hugged Eunbi and then Jay cried harder. Taehyun said "awe only if Morgan could see this". Jay said "shut up" he turned kissing his girls head then he smiled.

*Later that night*
  I was laying there when I felt something tiny messing with me. I was so sore I sighed opening my eyes I was in a hospital room and I looked around. Then I seen what was messing with me a baby girl. I smiled it was my baby girl Haeun. She was laying on her back playing with the blanket. I kept looking around then found Naeun wrapped in a blanket cuddled in Jays arms. They was both asleep Taehyun was watching Haeun. I tried to speak but my throat was dry Taehyun said "do you want some water". I nodded he got me some Eunbi got Haeun before she could fall I looked at Jay. I sighed he was resting peacefully. Taehyun came back he handed me the water. He said "he stayed awake until he heard good news he didn't sleep" I said "I'm glad he's resting". Taehyun said "you are lucky you are marrying a true man he really loves you". Eunbi said "you should have seen him he cried so bad he hit the ground when he found out you was ok" I smiled. I said "really" Taehyun nodded he said "it was bad". Then he said "he tried to stay awake but sleep was taking him over". I smiles then Eunbi said "Naeun fell asleep right after so they are alike". I said "that's true" Taehyun said "are you feeling ok". I sighed then nodded I said "just sore". Taehyun said "you got off lucky". I said "I don't feel lucky but I'm just glad I made it through" Taehyun nodded. We heard a cough then we looked Naeun was moving I said "is she sick". Eunbi said "she shouldn't be". Taehyun said "I think she just cough I don't think she is sick" i said "i hope not" then Jay opened his eyes. Taehyun flagged me to close my eyes i did then Jay sighed he said "has she still not woken up". Eunbi said "no she hasn't" Jay sighed he said "this is a complete nightmare" then he looked at Naeun she was awake. He said "when did she wake up". Taehyun said "a few minutes before you" Jay sighed. Eunbi said "Jay you need to go home and rest you are exhausted" he said "I'm fine". I felt my heart breaking he was so stubborn. I opened my eyes looking at him. He stopped he was about to say something. I smiled a little he was just staring at me. Taehyun got up he took Naeun and Jay walked over to me now saying a word hugging me and kissing my forehead I felt a tear hit my face. He was crying I sighed he put his head on my shoulder then cried. I felt so bad for him I hugged him holding back tears. Jay said "I thought you died" and that's when my heart snapped I started crying. Taehyun and Eunbi walked out. Taking the girls with them then I said "I'm not going anywhere" Jay said "you wouldn't wake up" he looked at me he said "I thought I would lose you" I said "but you didn't did you". Jay said "no I didn't" then he kissed me. When he pulled away he said "I love you from now until forever" I said "I love you too just as much". He hugged me tightly.

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