Chapter 7 👼❤

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*7 Months Later*.
Its been seven months sense I found out I was carrying Jay's baby. I was resting on the couch as he was at the office. His new assistant hates me. I go about everyday to eat lunch with him. Eunji was still there but she hates me as well. I sighed I decided to go see him sense I wasn't doing anything. When I left I caught a taxi to the company and he was in his office. The girl that was covering for me until I came back was very rude. She said "you can't just walk in he's busy" I said "we are together you can't stop me" then I walked in. Jay looked up he smiled he said "hey my big baby". I rolled my eyes he said "are you ok". He looked back down to work. I said "I got bored at home waiting for my appointment". He looked at me confused. He said "what appointment". I said "I called the doctor because my pain in my back is worse and the baby keeps kicking me in the same spot so maybe he can help with that". Jay said "I still don't know why you are keeping the gender a secret". He smiled I said "because it makes you wonder". He stood up walking over to me he pecked my lips. Jay said "is that so" I said "you little worker out there she's rude". Jay said "well my assistant got pregnant and she can't come to work so Sooyoung is filling in for her". I said "I wonder how I got pregnant". Jay wrapped me in his arms he said "bye this amazing guy right here". Then he got a phone call he sighed then turned. He said "its Taehyun's department again". I said "what's going on" Jay said "Eunji I fired her this morning and she won't leave she's messing up my edit team" I nodded. Then he got security to make her leave. He said "want me to take you to the doctor" I smiled. I nodded he said "ok let me finish this". Then he sat down he finished his work. As we was leaving he said "if anyone asks I went out I won't be back so when its closing time leave". The girl at the desk nodded Sooyoung said "is she your sister Mr. Park". I said "no he's my baby's father" she scoffed. I smiled Jay pulled me in the elevator then he said "misbehaving" I shrugged then we got to his car. Then we really the doctor. As we was waiting I was scared I looked around. People was staring and pointing I looked down. Jay looked at me then went back to his phone. As he was texting I nudged him. He looked at me he said "what". I said "people are staring at me" he said "and what about it". I looked down he snickered. He said "is it seriously bothering you" I nodded. Then the nurse called out "Mrs. Park". I glared at Jay he signed me in he smiled. Then he said "let's go" he got up then waited for me. When we walked back the nurse smiled. She was telling us about the last check up. She said "but we found something out". I was scared Jay nodded. She said "you are having twins" I gasped Jay said "what". The nurse said "I guess we didn't know". I said "I was only told one" I was freaking out. Jay said "what is the gender". She said "well its girls" he nodded then glared at me. I said "what that was you". The nurse said "you are healthy and the babies are doing fine". She said "have you got everything set up at home sometimes twins come early". I said "I'm in the process of it". Jay said "she's moving in with me at the moment". The nurse nodded she said "well closer to the due date make sure to get some rest". I nodded then Jay said "that means no more wandering the streets out of boredom". He was right I can't do that no more. After the visit I was home when Jay was wandering around. I said "are you ok" he said "i'm looking for my wallet because i need to run to the store". He ran up the stairs then he came back down he had his wallet then he grabbed his phone going for the door. I said "why are you going to the store" he said "i need some more ramen". When he was leaving i called for him he turned coming back inside he said "what" i said "let me go with you just this once". Jay stopped he thought about it then he said "fine but no lifting anything and no wondering off". I nodded i felt like a child right now because of him. When we left we went to the local store and everyone was glancing in his direction but he didn't care. He wanted his food so badly then he was looking around when he passed some baby stuff but he didn't even glance at it. I was shocked usually he does he must really want Ramen this time. As he was on the hunt for it i was in the baby isle because i mean i wasn't doing nothing plus preparing for a twins is huge. Jay was walking when he realized i wasn't behind him he turned he sighed. Then he came looking for me when he found me he didn't bother me he let me be and he went back to his search. I sighed then turned when i didn't feel good i had sharp pains really bad ones. I didn't want to call for Jay because what if it caused a really big scene i sighed then tried to walk to find him. When i couldn't a worker seen me she walked towards me she said "ma'am are you okay". I said "y..yes" i couldn't breathe but i was only 4 months the babies can't be coming now can they. Then i seen Jay i pointed i said "please g..get him" she nodded. Then she turned running over to Jay who was surprised he turned he didn't seem me i was already almost in the floor. The worker said "she's having pains i'm not sure she's about to cry" Jay said "where is she". Jay seen my hand go up he dropped everything running he jumped a table then reached me. He said "hey hey what's wrong" then i said "" then he helped me to the car. When he was speeding to the hospital he said "just hang on what's wrong" i said "my stomach" then we reached the hospital. He ran inside and moments later nurses was coming out and a doctor as well. I was rushed back for examinations and to find out the babies was actually coming at 7 months. It was terrifying the doctors was all flustered and trying to decide how to save my babies. Jay was waiting for someone to tell him what was going and he was a little impatient. When the doctor came out he looked down he said "the babies came 4 months early and they might not make it". Jay said "w..what about t..their mother" the doctors said "shes fine" Jay sighed. Then he said "ca..can you n..not save my b...babies" the doctor said "no promises". 

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