Maki x(?) Dying. Reader!

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"Ms. (Y/l)?"
"Yes sir?"
"Your check up is complete. But there is a major problem."
"What is it?"

"Your on your last stage of have a week to live..."


Right now I was on the roof top watching the girls practice for their next live.
One of them intrueges me the most.


Ah..yes. I have a crush on the tsundere. Oh but plot twist! She has a girlfriend. Nico. The child-er... the cutest idol in the world.

Yeah I'm jealous. I'm jelly. What ever else you wanna call it.

This was already my fifth day having the news of being on the last stages of cancer. No one knew about it. Even me. I guess if you miss 5 years of checkups, it could cost you something.

My life

Seeing Maki and Nico together just makes me want the process to go quicker. Yeah...I'm depressed too. I'm going to die anyways... just need to wait.

"Okay guys! Five minute break!!" Umi hollers.

I pick up the water bottles and cloths. I usually make small talk with them but this whole week I've been distant.

I quickly give them their water bottles and towels and walk away.

Then it suddenly gets harder to breath. I stop in my tracks. It's happening. I turn around to see the group again. Umi and Eli were talking. Nico and Maki were talking also, probably flirting. Everyone else was laying down groaning, gasping for air, or drinking the water I gave them.

My heart starts to hurt and my stomack starts to churn. Then I remember a note I made. I quickly took it out. The note was adressed to Maki.

I take one more look at Maki, taking in all her features. I read the note one more time and put in my my bag. I quickly start to make my way off the roof as my breathing was getting heavier, heart was pounding louder and faster, and my vision was darkening.

Off in the distance I hear my name being called. I kept on walking. Everyone was shouting. Except Maki and Nico. Probably all over themselves, or going home.

Then my knees buckle a bit. I stumble and loose my footing, falling. I hit the floor with a thud and a ringing in my ears is all I could hear.

I cant get up.

I silently cry until I hear the voices get louder and someone carrying me.

Maki...I still love you...

Then I cant see anything. I loose conscience.

-(Nico's POV)-

Maki and I are at her house and cuddling. Suddenly I get a phone call.

It was from Eli.

Maki groans when I get up from the couch and walk to another room.


"Hey...*sniff* um...we are going camping near the beach the next two days." She says, her voice shaking.

"Um...okay but what about school?" I ask curios to why a member of the council would be asking to do such a thing without thinking of class attendance.

"Don't worry about it. Just get ready." With that, Eli hung up.

-(Time Skip: 2nd day of camping trip)-

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