A Fluffly Scene

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(One shot dedicated to a fluff scene that I thought of but never could put it in a story without it being awkward)

    I feel a weight on my side and I shift a bit on my bed. The abnormal weight only shifted closer to me. "O/n?" I whispered into the unlit room. My vision adjusted to the darkness and saw a lump of blankets next to me with a head popping out from underneath them. I heard a hum in response. "Are you that cold?" I waited for another response. Then I heard another hum in reply and a slight nod. "Okay, then. Let me under there. I can help." Immediatly, he lump of blankets was thrown off, revealing a shivering O/n.
    I shifted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her close to my chest. I rest my chin at the top of her head and sigh, feeling the warmth radiating off of O/n. She wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled my body, bringing us closer. "Hey, come any closer and you might suffocate yourself." I warn her and back up a bit. I heard a grunt. "But I wanna feel you here with me." She whispers, looking up to me with tired eyes. "Don't worry, I will be here no matter what." I smile and run my fingers through her hair. She looks back down and sighs in satisfaction. Entertwining our legs, she embraces me by my stomach, rubbing small circles there. "I love you, Y/n." She whispers to me and I shiver at her use of my name. "I love you too, O/n." I replied to her and kept running my fingers through her soft hair. I kept note of how she reacts when I stop for a second or two, which was a tap on my stomach or an occasional nudge with her foot.

"I love you so, so much."

(Um...so there are people who want a lemon and I know there are more of you guys...should I do one?


Yuri Oneshots?? (X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora