Mira x Fem!Reader

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I was peacefully lounging in the guild hall when some one called my name. "Yo, y/n! Gramps wants to see you!" Natsu called from the balcony and disappeared once more. I let out a huff and made my way to Master's office.

I closed the door behind me as I took a seat that was available infront of his desk. "Y/n, do you know why I have called you here?" He starts. "No sir, I don't." I stated honestly. "There was a message from your home town and many other cities, all regarding the same incident that has occurred in the past." His face showed worry. This is not gonna be good. "Do you know anything about this?" He questioned. I lied. I lied to protect myself. "No Sir..." I cast my eyes down to the paper work at the corner of his desk as he looked at me skeptically. "I hope you are telling me the truth, Y/n. You are dismissed. But town officials will come to the guild and visit you later today." I simply nod my head as I walked out of the door. Crap.

-(Time Skip: 2 Hours)-

There was a loud knock at the doors of the guild. My time to shine...yay. The guild froze for a moment before I waved them off and went outside by myself.

"I take that your name is Y/n." A rather large man stated more than asked. I nod. Behind him where 12 other town officials, all from different towns. But they all had their best soldier with them. One stood out from the rest. B/n(Brother Name). He stood out like a sore thumb, looking much more masculine than the last time I saw him, 8 years ago. Although, he is 3 years older then me. His eyes were dull as if he had no care for life. "Y/n, you are hereby in dept of the assasination of King F/n(Father's Name). This accusation is made by Queen M/n(Mother's Name) with the aid of Sir B/n. Your punishment will be execution." The big man read off a scroll. I kept my eyes fixated on the ground as I heard the familiar footsteps of my mother and brother. Before giving me time to even look up to meet their gazes, I was struck with a hand on the left side of my cheek, whipping my head to the right. "This is all your fault." My mother seethed from between her teeth. I was so deep in thought that I had not heard the guild doors behind me open wide, revealing what had been going on outside. Guild members her met with confusion, and some with betrayal.

"Y/N!!" My eyes instinctively looked to where I heard the most beautiful voice that belonged to none other than Mira Jane. "Y/n! What's going on!?" She shoved to the front of the crowd but never making a step towards me. "I'm being punished." I sadly smiled back at her as her face was filled with confusion.

I turned back around when I heard something coming out of its sheath. My brother was holding the 6 inch knife that my father had given him when he was accepted into the royal guard region. It really is my fault wasn't it?

"Y/n! What did you do?" That voice again. Without looking back I answered. "I killed him. I-I killed my father." Tears started sliding down my face as I accepted what had been taunting me everyday ever since I ran away. And now they've found me and I'm going to pay. "I'm sure you didn't kill him Y/n! Maybe-" I cut Mira off. "I KILLED HIM. I RAN AWAY THAT NIGHT AND GOT MYSELF IN DANGER. BECAUSE OF ME, MY FATHER DIED SAVING SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T EVEN DESERVE TO LIVE." "I should've swallowed you!!" My mother yelled. "What the hell mom?!" My brother and I both yelled in reply.

"B/n, don't make me wait." B/n started getting closer to me to point where he bent his elbow so that his fist was infront of his chest and his knife was facing me, practically cutting the cloth on my chest. "W-wait! But he died saving you Y/n. You did t kill him. He died for you because he saw what a strong woman you would become." Mira shouted from the crowd. Some members tried to shut her up, only to be shoved away. "Appeariantly not strong enough." I whispered.

B/n's hand was shaking. "I forgive you." I whisper to him. He was still not making a move. "B/n please make it quick" he started to lower his knife but I grabbed his wrist and pressed the tip to my chest once again. "B/n if you don't do it, mom will literally kill you" I whisper-Shout. "I-I can't. I won't be able to live with myself, killing my own little sister..." his voice was shaky now. "Tell Mom to give you a promotion or something. 'Kay?" I smiled sadly.

Before he could have a chance to reply, I quickly embrace him, causing the knife he was holding to pierce my chest. I heard my rib cage crack and blood squelch with every breath I tried to breath. I shook and gasped, still holding my brother, who also, was shaking while staggering backwards, trying to keep me from falling.

Not long after, I heard a high pitched scream that turned demonic. B/n laid me down on the ground, tears falling from his eyes. "See? It wasn't that bad." I wheeze. A green tail was seen in the corner of my eye, I knew Mira had transformed. "Run." I said to my brother tapping him repeatedly. "But-" "I SAID RUN"
He ran and that was the last thing I saw.

-(Time Skip: After Scaring Everyone Away)-

-(No One's POV)-

The whole guild gathered around around their fallen family member as Mira wailed and let out screams of pain and dispair. She cradled Y/n in her arms while rocking back and forth, caressing the gray skin on Y/n's face. The knife was still imbedded inside the girl's chest, blood partially dried because there was no more blood to be bled. Mira shook and cried with all of her heart and soul. She stared at the cold lips and leaned forwards towards them. Gently, her pressed her lips against Y/n's as more tears cascaded down her face, feeling how cold her lips where and how they won't ever press back against her. She pulled away but laid her ear on Y/n's chest, desperate to hear a heartbeat. Hearing nothing, Mira pressed her forehead against Y/n's chest and started rocking back and forth once again, cradling her while letting out cries that held so much passion and grief.

After all, what else could she do when the love of her life just suddenly disappeared without saying goodbye?

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