(AzurLane) Bismarck x Fem!Common!Reader!

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    Bismarck's steps echoed throughout the halls of the base as she made her way to Commander. Not surprisingly, whispers followed wherever she went aswell. 'Did you hear? She's gonna marry the Commander!' 'Their affinity with eachother is probably 98 at this point.' 'Darn! I want to marry Commander!'
    All comments were correct in there own way. Bismarck took me under her wing back when I was new to port. She would give me tours, give me short tutoring lessons, and even take me out of port to keep my mind off of battle. she even promised me that we would never grow apart. But that was all in the past.
    Since Bismarck was an important ship, she was stationed in many places. Me, being a common ship, was replaced from the fleet with a rare ship. When this happened, Bismarck no longer looked out for me. Then in due time, she became Commander's favorite.
    I didn't understand. What is so great about Commander anyways? He doesn't even go out to battle with the ships he sends out. How would we know this man isn't just some bimbo who likes to perv on pretty people.
    I let out a frustrated sigh. What have you done with me, Bismarck? Walking back to the academy, I open the doors. Or at least try to.
    The doors did not open causing me to jiggle the door handle in confusion. A small chirp was audible and I looked to the curb outside the academy. Standing there was a small, chubby, yellow bird that held up a sign that said 'ACADEMY FULL'. 
    "Argh!" I turn around and punch wildly at the air, frustrated that I couldn't attend school to at least upgrade my skills.

    "Hey you!" I heard a voice call. Following the voice I see a girl at the side of the academy building.
    "Hello?" I said questionably as I turned the corner and looked for the voice again.
Without any warning, two arms trapped me against the wall, letting out an audible smack coming from her hands hitting the wall.
    The lady was evidently taller than me by a lot as they looked down on me with pity. "Oh my god!" I shield my chest as if it would protect me from surprise. "Oh...Belfast!" I exclaimed. She was a powerful ship that ranked Super Rare. A Common ship like me would be blessed to be in a presence like this one.
    "Good morning to you too." Her smooth voice let out and her pale arms trapped me between her and the wall. I nervously chuckled at how close we were to eachother.
    "Y-you are... h-hi! I'm!..." I choked on air for a bit, "I'm Y/n!" I gasp for breath as I'm overcome by excitement from being able to see Belfast in person.
    "I have something to talk to you with." Belfast disregarded my introduction, hurting my feelings just a bit. I nodded anyways.
    "Commander wishes me to deliver this" She holds out an envelope and I take it from her gently. Da heck? It had an elaborate seal on it stating that it was of utmost importance.
    "Thank you....?" I looked up only to be swept by a cool breeze. Darn. I wish I could've talked with her more.
    I break the seal on the envelope and take out the thin paper within.

    'Commander allows for selected ship to retire as soon as follows:

    Return gear to respected placement in Depot.

    Savings will be put in Commander's treasury.

    Ship is given Medal if Service.

Signed- Commander'

    Whait what. He's making me retire. Commander is making me retire. I won't be able to comeback. I don't have any money.
I'm as good as disassembled gear.
    Not being able to hold in my sadness, I cry. Big tears roll down my chin as I put the letter back in the envelope and put it in my pocket.
    All trace of my anger at Commander before was suddenly turned into understanding. I'm only a Commin ship. What can I do to change it. He owns many rare and super rare ships. Especially the elite. I'm just a waste of dock capacity and gear.
    I walk into the halls of the base and walk towards the Depot. Some eyes were on me as you usually don't see a crying ship.
    Before I make a turn towards the West wing with contained the Depot room, I heard my name being called.

Yuri Oneshots?? (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now