(RWBY)Yang x WhiteFang!Fem!Reader!

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    White fang.

    What was I even doing there?

    I trudged through the mine underneath the abandoned city. Workers bustling everywhere to prepare for an outbreak in the city. As I passed by some of them, I recieved small nods of respect and I nodded back.
    I continued my walk towards my room. All I could think about was my best friend and love of my life. Yang Xio Long.

    Where had it all gone wrong?

-(Time Skip: Last year)-

    "Who the hell are you!?" "I'm Y/n, Yang!"

    Yang scoffed, "The Y/n I know doesn't side with the White Fang!" She waved her hand in front of my face. "Do you know what they do to innocent people?" Yang took a step back and ran a hand through her hair.
    "I'm only there because I don't have anywhere else to go to become a decent fighter." I stated as calmly as I could despite being frightful. "Why can't you come to Beacon with us?! Like a normal person would do?-"

   "-Because I'm not normal!" I screamed. "I can't afford Beacon academy! You know that!" Yang's red eyes glowed brighter red. "If this is how you think of 'not being able to afford' being resolved, you've got the wrong idea!"
    I slapped her cheek to get her to listen to me. "Listen Yang! Snap out of it! You don't know anything about me!" I was about to continue but yang had other plans.
    "I hate you!" Yang aimed her gauntlets at me and fired too shots at me, both landing their marks on my chest. I yelled in pain as my back collided with the wall behind me. "Yang please! I didn't mean to start a fight!" I pleaded with her. "I'm sorr-"
"Don't you fucking say you're sorry." Yang grabbed my neck and squeezed a bit. "I will say this once, and only once." Yang brought her face closer to mine and spoke in a low voice. "If you come near me, or my sister, I will make sure you wished you were never born." She let go of my neck roughly and started walking away.
    "Yang! I...I still love you! And I know you still love me too!" I cried out in desperation.

"Wake up, Y/n. We're over and you knew that from the start...that is, if you ever cared at all."


    Tears streamed down my face as I had that dream again. Dust. Why did I have to join this stupid gang? If my parents hadn't died a month before applying to the academy, I wouldn't be in this situation.
    "Y/n, we're preparing for the train ride" "okay!" I yelled back at the intercom in my room.

-(Time Skip: Few Hours...Minutes?)-

(Yang's POV)

    The city is swarmed with Grimm, now that the train crashed out into the open and let them loose.
"Yang! I think I see Y/n!" My sister called out before returning to battle.
    Immediatly, my eyes blazed red and scanned for my foe.


-(Time Skip)-

    I groggily opened my eyes after being knocked unconscious. The space around me was cool and shady, the city had no trees so I wondered where that came from. I looked up at my surroundings and saw a white machine.

    The white machine was bloodied and still, and in the center of it, was an unconscious Y/n.
Worry immediatly went down my spine. I stood up unscathed and walked to Y/n.
    "Y/n?" I called out quietly when I was within arms reach of her. I lifted my hand shakily to shake her awake. "Y/n?" I shook her some more. There was no response.
    I took both my hands and brought her face up to take a look at her. I gasped. "Y/n? Can you see me?" Tears were jerked from my eyes. Her eyes were diluted and unresponsive to light. "Hey...are you okay?...I have water." I reached behind me and opened the canester, bringing it up to Y/n's lips. I tilted it and let it slide down her throat. I sniffed. "You can hear me though, right?" I waited, still no response. "Before you wake up, I just want to say that...I....I don't hate you anymore." I placed my hand on her shoulder and kept talking and spilling my feelings for her. "and, I...I still love you, too..." As I lifted my hand, Y/n started leaning foreword. "Hey-"
    We both landed on the floor with a loud thump, her on top of me. She was surprisingly light. I looked up at the machine she was in and gasped once again.
    There was a gaping hole in the machine. Fear tore through my body at a rapid pace. At a distance I could hear my sister calling me.
My head was in a daze as I slowly looked down at my friend and love. There lay in my lap, was only Y/n's upper body. Her eyes and arms unmoving. I let out a shaky breath. "No."
    "No. This can't-" I take Y/n's face in my hands again and look into her eyes. "This wasn't supposed to happen." I cried quietly to myself as I murmured curses and apologies. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry, Y/n..." I sobbed a bit louder. I grabbed Y/n by her arms and wrapped them around my body, craddling her head against my chest. I rocked back and forth, attempting to soothe the pain. "I love you...I love you so much..."

"I am so, so sorry, Y/n."

(( you died again.


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