(She-Ra) Catra! x Rebel!Fem!Reader!

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(This is a made up battle, meaning, it didn't actually happen on the plot of the series.)

"Y/n? Have you seen Catra?" The sounds of battle between the princesses and the Horde surrounded me. Adora, being the 8ft SheRa she was, hoisted her sword onto her shoulders.
"Ah...uh..." I take a quick look around and try to spot our childhood friend. "No, sorry.- DUCK!" I tackle her to the side, successfully avoiding the Horde tank's shot. "Are you alright?" I got off of Adora and stretched out a hand. She quickly took it and helped herself up responding, "Thanks." With that was parted ways to avoid another shot from the tank.
I felt a harsh zap to my side and my left side of my body went numb,causing me to stumble and fall. The Horde soldier hovered above me and thrust the taser-like staff into my stomach. I heard myself scream from pain and punch the soldier with enough force to get the helmet off.
"Lonnie?" My eyes widen at the realization. "Lonnie, what the Horde is making you do is wrong!" I try my best to get away but my arms are unable to move.
"The Horde looked after us when we were kids! I am not going to defy orders! I owe them that!" She raised the weapon above her head to deliver a finishing blow.
"Y/n!" I heard Glimmer's voice in an instant and then she was beside me. She then teleported us to the other side of the battle field, away from most danger and Lonnie. "Oh my goodness, are you alright?" Glimmer seemed tired. Her magic is wearing out.
"Yeah I'm fine. I just can't move. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, thanks."
Suddenly, Glimmer was kicked away from me, and did not get up. "Glimmer!"
I tried my best to get up, but all I could muster to do was lift my head.
"Aw, is little Y/n afraid of people getting hurt?" A familiar voice said with a fake baby voice.
"Catra..." My eyes widen as I breathed out her name.
"Wow, you actually remembered my name." Catra stalked towards me and sat down in her cat manner next to my head. Using her fingernail, she dragged it along the side of my face and dragged it to my jaw, then to the base of my neck. "Y'know, unlike you, I followed orders from the Horde and became Force Captain." She smirked smugly and got up.
"No...what about Shadow-" A kick to my side caused me to fly into the air, hitting a nearby rock and spread pain pulsing through my body. Catra sauntered towards me as I writhed on the ground in pain.
"Shadow Weaver is in a cell for disobeying Lord Hordak. She'll be sent to beast island for sure." She nudged my side where she kicked me, making contact with a now growing bruise.
I turned to my side and cough, surprised to see blood. "Oh god." Wiping my chin, get on all four to try and stand.
Catra silently and patiently waiting until I was kneeling to slam me into the wall once again. As my body came in contact with the wall for the second time, I felt cracks in my back. I try and lift a finger to make sure I could still move. I can't. I can't move.
My body slumped and my head rest against the wall. All I could hear was Catra's evil laughing. Blood started dripping from a gash in my forehead and dropped over my eye. "Ah. Fuck." That stings.
I heard Catra's laugh stop when she was kicked to the side. Willing my neck provide force to look ahead, I saw Adora running at Catra at full spead.
"What the hell did you do to her!?" Adora and Catra would continue to fight for a good moment until Catra got Adora busy with Scorpia. "Take care of her please, but make sure she's watching." She ordered Scorpia. "Sure."
A realization came over me. I'm not gonna make it. I'm going to die. I don't wanna die. I sobbed and put my head against the wall once more. "Catra...Catra please." I sniffed as she came closer to me. "Catra please, you were my best friend."
"You were mine too, along with Adora. And look what happened. Look what you got yourself into." She suddenly stopped, and tears welled up in her eyes. "Do you know how lonely it was? To have years with people you trust so dearly yet have them taken away from me because of some princess?"
"Catra..." I heard Adora breathe as she continued to fight with Scorpia.
"But you know what? I am going to make you two suffer by taking something away that is most precious to Adora right now." She thought for a moment. "Well, you won't suffer, just Adora."
Catra stalked towards me once again. I look to my side saw Adora being held in a choke hold facing Catra and I. Focusing my attention onto Catra, she smirked through her tears and straddled my waist. "You're insane." I seethed. "People have told me that and never lived to tell the others." She replied.
"You're evi-HAH?" I felt a wet and warm 'thing' move up my neck. Is this a tongue? This is a tongue! Catra why are you licking me!?
"Catra! This is not ri-" I was cut off by a pair of lips. I tried to move my head away, only for Catra's claws to dig into my sides. This pushed Catra further my forcing her tongue into my mouth. Why the hell is this happening?
"Catra! Stop!" I heard Adora yell despite my head spinning.
With the last of my strength, I head butt Catra, causing her to back away. "Ow!"
My heart throbbed and hurt at the same time. It's true that I have loved Catra. But now, it has gone too far.
"Have you fallen for me yet Y/n-"

"I hate you!"


"I hate you so much right now!"

Catra hesitated and got off my lap. "Scorpia, lets go." "But what about-" "I said, let's go."
With that they left.

-(Time Skip: That Night)-

"Really? I swear she paralyzed me."

"Nearly, it was only temporary and you should be able to move in the next hour."

"Thank you so much."

The nurse left and I was alone in my room that Glimmer had provided me and Adora.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't help." From the corner of the room, Adora spoke up. "C'mon, you know it's not your fault."
"I know but...I should've done better to help you. You were hurt and I couldn't even get myself to get away from crab lady."
"Okay, couple things wrong in that. 1) you did your best and helped out in the battle field as well, you were tired and no one can argue. 2) Scorpia is a scorpion." She and I giggled a bit at the last bit.
"Alright, I will crash in Glimmer's room for tonight so you can get proper rest."
"Y-you don't have to."
"You need to rest."
She too then walked out of the room.

Silence was the only thing in the room now.

-(Time Skip: Midnight)-

I felt a presence in my room and shot up from bed, my back against the headboard.
I made sure I could move and thankfully I could.
"Y/n?" It's Catra.

"Catra? Why are you here?" I got defensive and put my hands up in fighting stance, despite still being in bed.
"I...I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" I scoffed in disbelief.

"I am! I'm so sorry! Please! Just hear me out." She emerged from the shadows and clapped her hands around mine.


"I-I...I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I don't-I didn't mean...." she looked down at our hands and stopped her hands from shaking. "You mean so much to me. I didn't realize how much I hurt you and Adora. I don't want you to hate me so much. I didn't mean to do all of this to you." She sat on the bed with me as I listened. I felt my expression soften. She was misled. She didn't get a chance to know what is right and wrong like Adora and I could.
"Catra. Look at me." She hesitated for a while and looked at me. "You have a chance to change. I can see it in you." "But-" "let me finish. I am okay, and you are okay. The Rebellion accepted us and Adora. Why wouldn't they accept you? And also,

Just don't move away."

I brought my face closer to hers and captured her lips in mine. Immediatly, I felt Catra kiss back and push me flat on my back onto my bed. When we pull away, we were breathing hard and heavily.
"You said you hated me." Catra started crying again.
"I just hated that you kissed me without knowing my real feelings."

"I am so, so sorry."

(Okay, So you didn't die.)

Yuri Oneshots?? (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now