Cold!Dia x Fem!Hyper!Reader

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(Your POV)

I ran down the street to catch up to my (distant) friend, Dia. She was cold at school and this whole year I have been trying to help her warm up. So far, I think she hates me.

When I would wave to her in the halls, she would turn the other way. I would try to to talk to her, but she would cut me off with a 'That's Nice.' Even if it was a question.

The worst part though, I was madly in love with her. I wish I could just at least spend a week with her. Just seven days.

Back to the present, I caught up with Dia and walked into step with her. "Hi Dia-chan!!" I said Happily. "Hello." She replied coldly. "I have a suggestion!" I said Happily, hoping that the ice princess would agree. She didn't look at me but responded. "What?" "I want you to date me for 7 days!" I put on my best smile, as I face her while walking with my hands folded behind my back. "No." She walked on as I stopped in my tracks. I try to hide my sadness with a (hopefully) bigger smile. I then continued walking slightly behind her. "What about, if you date me for seven days, I will go away forever. Like I never existed?" I asked, my smile still on my face. She paused and looked behind her to look at me. "Deal." Wow... she must want me out badly. "There will be rules though." I nodded, restraining myself from jumping up and down. "The only physical contact I will have with you is us holding hands." She ended. I looked at her in confusion. Couples are supposed to kiss too. "How about the only physical contact is holding hands AND one kiss a day." I said. She was going to say something but I cut her off. "Deal or No Deal?" I asked with a smile, holding me hand out. She shook me hand and said "Deal". She tried to release from my grip but I held her hand. She groaned and started walking, dragging me with her.

-(TimeSkip: After School)-


Instead of letting her go home right away, I brought her to the beach. She, obviously, resisted but she had no hold on me as I excitedly ran to the shore. She then followed closely behind me.

I sat down at the shore and motioned for her to sit down next to me. She reluctantly took a seat and I rested my head on her shoulder. I sighed until I felt myself getting pushed off. "No Physical contact." I sighed in defeat until I got an idea. "Dia-Chan. Face me please!" I said. She looked at me, but before she could ask why, I pecked her lips. "One kiss a day!" I teased. She didn't react but I saw her eyes flicker with enjoyment, then it was gone.

We sat in silence, untik she broke it. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked. I suddenly felt disappointed. "So that when you come back here, you will know that this was where you and I came first at the time of our relationship." I gave a sad smile.

The sun was starting to set as I stood up and waved at it. "Why do you wave at it" Dia asked. "Because I know I'm going to see it tomorrow but it has to move away for a while. I never feel like I need to say anything though. Saying a goodbye verbaly just makes it feel like your never going to see it again." I smiled as I took her hand to help her stand. She brushed herself off as we started to head home.

"G'night Dia-chan!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah" she closed the door.

-(After School)-

"Hey Dia-chan!! Since we're dating, we should give each other nicknames!" I yelled. "Yours is Dia...Dia...Dia-cutie?" I asked, unsure. "Okay. Yours is (N/n)" she said coldly. I held her hand as we strolled to her house. "Can we have a movie night??" I asked excitedly. "Sure." "Yes!" I fist pumped the air.

We were on her couch as we were watching some kind of movie that looked like they were in another dimension. Everything was so detailed and...real. Then there was a romantic scene, where the main character would kiss the other one. I looked at Dia.

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