Busy!Cuddly!Neo x Affectionate!Short!Fem!Reader!

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    I spot Neo at her desk at headquarters, slumped over a piece of paperwork. She scanned the words quickly and signed at the bottom. Without her noticing, I walk behind her chair and wrap my arms around her shoulders. Because of my height I had to stand on my toes a bit.
    Finally noticing my arms she tapped them silently and turned her chair to face me. I let go and blushed a bit. "Hey Neo." She responded with a nod and smile. "What is my lovely girlfriend doing this lovely day?" I asked her. She gave me and tired look and grabbed one of the papers that was sitting on her desk. It was about the plans on the dust heists. "Shouldn't Roman be the one planning these?" I cocked my head to the side and gave her a worried look. She looked at me with an expression that said 'I wish'.
    I gave her a hug while she was still in the chair so I had to lean in quite a bit. "If your tired, you should go to bed." I mumbled into her hair, pouting. Once I pulled away, Neo looked back up at me and smiled while shaking her head. "Okay, well. I'll wait for you in bed. I'll leave you be so you can work peacefully." I softly smiled and resisted the urge to jump on her and hug her forever. As I was walking away, Neo intertwined our fingers together, stopping my in my tracks. "What's wrong?" I asked my lovely girlfriend. She smiled and pulled me towards her, my knees hitting the edge of the chair on both sides of her legs. She still tried to pull me onto the chair. "Uh...Neo, if you keep pulling me, I'm going to end up sitting on your lap..." I stated worriedly. She nodded at me while smiling. "Oh, so you want me to sit on your lap. Okay." I smiled excitedly as I straddled her lap and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I put my face into the crook of her neck as she sighed in content. "Love you Neo." I said to her. In response, I got a kiss on the side of my neck that said 'I love you too'.
    After a while, I felt Neo lean forward a bit to sign another piece of paper. Feeling like a burden on her I tried getting off her lap "Oh, I'm sorry Neo! I'll get off so you can-" before I could finish my sentence, she pushed the back of my head back into the space between her neck and shoulder. "Eh...? Um, okay." I kissed the side of her neck as she did the same.
    After an hour or so, she was finished with her planning and stood up with me in her arms. "I-I can walk y'know..." I stammered as she continued walking to our room, ignoring my comment.
    After laying me on the bed, she changed into her pajamas as I already was. After doing so, she made her way to the bed too and laid beside me, cuddling to my side. After not finding a suitable position, she shifted so that her head was on my chest and her hand laid across my stomach. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head as she kissed my neck in return. It was our silent way of saying 'I love you'. After a while, we both drifted off to sleep into a peaceful slumber.

-(Time Skip: Morning)-

    "Omg they are so cute!! What do you think Em?"

    "Mercury, if I had my eyes closed and heard you say that, I would've thought that you were a pervert. Well, I mean you are."


    "Shut up! My babies are sleeping let them be!"

    "Roman, they aren't your babies. Nor are you a father."

    "Cinder! Why are you here!? Why are any of you here?!"

    "We followed you."


    Loud but hushed voices were heard by a certain ice cream colored hair girl. She woke up with Y/n in her arms and Y/n's head nuzzzled in her neck. Both their legs were entertwined as the blanket was somehow thrown off the both of them during the night.
    Neo opened one eye then the other as she took notice of the four intruders. She glared harshly at them as they all cowered in fear and left the room. After they had left, Neo took a look at Y/n peaceful face. A blush erupted from her cheeks as she rubbed her face on the top of Y/n's head.

'I love you!!!!'

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