(She-Ra) PhysicalTherapist!Glimmer! x Fem!Injured!Reader!

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(okay so...this is a lemon.... if you didn't read this, boy are you in for a treat.)

   "Uh...hi, I have an appointment today..." I inquired nervously after walking through the doors of the building.
    "Great! Just sign right here and a therapist shall be with you shortly." A man dressed in a polo shirt and khakis told me. His polo shirt was cut above the waist and showed his stomach. I guess they're not so strict with rules here...
    A few minutes pass by before another woman with scrubs on calls my name. "Y/n?"
I stand up and walk towards her. She had purple and pink hair which were suspended in the air almost like magic. Her eyes were almost the color as her pink hair and she stood with confidence. Immediatly becoming nervous, I start to sweat.
   She holds out a hand to me and I shake it.
"Hello, I'm Glimmer. I will be your therapist for today." Her voice was high and pierced the air like a woman of high importance. 

    Leading me to an elevated bed that you would see at the doctor's office, she motioned for me to sit as she sat on a bouncy yoga ball in front of a portable computer desk.
    "So you are here for your right knee?" She asks.
    "I'm gonna ask you to lay down and then I will test some things out, okay?"
    "Yeah, sure." I give her a gentle smile and lay myself down on the provided pillow while she gets up from her seat and stands next to the bed.
    Glimmer bends my right knee and pushes it towards my chest. "Does this hurt?" I respond by shaking my head from side to side. She nods and continues. She then straightened out my knee and covers my shoe in a clean towel. I was thoroughly confused by the action until she holds my foot from the bottom of the shoe and pushed towards me. "How about this?" I shake my head once again.
    "You can sit up." Putting the towel away she types away at the computer. Staring at her facial features, I blush. She is incredibly beautiful. Her nose scrunched as she backspaces on the keyboard multiple times. Okay, that's just cute.
    Stepping away from the computer, and breaking free of my trance, she walks towards me again. I willed myself to stop blushing and slowed down my breathing.
"I'm going to touch you a bit, Okay?" Her voice low and almost a whisper. Wtf she makes it sound dirty. I nod and she starts to work.
    She takes both her hands and puts it on my hips as she spreads my legs and stands between them. WHAAAAT THE HEEEECK.
She starts to feel around my waist and hips and nods to herself. As I start to nervously chuckle in my head, she steps away from inbetween my legs and takes a seat in front of me. Taking the towel from before, she puts it on the underside of my shoe again. "I'm going to push up and you have to try and push down with all your might." With that, she starts to push up and I try to resist. Being the wimp I am, my leg is helplessly pushed up. She does the same to my right leg. When she pushed up though, I whimpered as the pressure I put on my knee starts to hurt and become sore. "Does that hurt?" She asks with concern and stops pushing up. "Yeah." I reply, holding in a breath.
    "On a scale of 1 to 10, how painful is it?"
    She nods and steps away to her computer and starts typing away again. I close my eyes and try to subdue the pain. Without saying anything, I feel her hands on the upper part of my thigh, kneading the flesh. Snapping my eyes open, I feel my blush darken and reach my ears. Glimmer's face also had a blush on it as she squeezed my thigh. Uh......!?
    Her hand trailed all the way up to where my thigh meets my waist as she kneaded the flesh there too. I look around to see if anyone was watching but there was no one else in the building. Eh? Eh?! Where did everyone go???
    Any more to the left and she would come in contact with...  My blush darkens even more if possible as I am suddenly aroused. Uh oh. Suddenly, her pinky finger pushes against my clothed heat and my hips buck at the touch.        "Hey, what are you doing?" I managed to speak without stuttering and grabbed her wrist.
    "I-...I'm just inspecting...your condition and your strength...." Her breaths were starting to get heavier and to be completely honest, mine were too. "Do you want me to stop?" Her voice with the slightest bit of need began to sound raspy.
Oh no. She's asking me. This is...I don't know how to respond. I mean...when she touched...it, it felt...good?? What? But...I barely know her....?
I shifted in my seat while thinking and only then did I take note of my condition. Did I...? Am I wet?? I squirm and test it out. Indeed, my heat was suddenly soaked without me knowing. Oh god. I don't want her to stop.

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