VII • What We're Fighting For

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Daphne spent the next few days working with Nicola, who still refused to officially hire her. The blonde figured it was either stubborn pride or that she didn't want to break any rules about recruits earning points. Maybe both.

After dinner she'd wander the compound, familiarizing herself with the layout, exits, and defenses. She was impressed by the tightness of it all, the overwhelming feeling of safety within the gates of the Sanctuary.

In the evenings she'd have a few beers with Paula and her crew, and found herself transitioning from building rapport to actual friendship. These badass bitches (Donnie included) were her kind of people; tough war hardened go-getters instead of simply survivors.

It was on the sixth night of her probation that Daphne found herself in Talia's quarters, having offered to help out while Paula's crew were on an overnight supply run.

She stared down at the sky blue eyes of the infant in her arms and couldn't help but smile. She'd never thought about kids, even in her life before, having been so focused on her career. But looking at the plump face of a baby was enough to make her heart swell and her ovaries feel like they were going to explode.

"Thank you so much." Talia sighed as she exited the older kids' bedroom. "They are so much easier to get to sleep if I don't have Lily in my arms."

"Anytime," Daphne replied with a genuine smile. Talia was a gentle looking woman with chocolate hair and matching eyes. Even the long scar winding its way from cheek to collarbone looked delicate.

"I think it's just jealousy, you know? Breastfeeding babies get all the attention," she explained, and sat down on the plush couch with a glass of water.

Daphne leaned back. "This place is a lot nicer than the barracks."

"Yeah, being married to a Savior has its perks," Talia joked. "Don't worry, once you're done your probation you'll get your own room. There are some shared ones for people that want them but if you want your own space the single rooms are cozy."

Lily squawked, balling up her fists like she was ready to fight.

"Little UFC fighter in the making." Daphne laughed as she handed the baby over, who could barely contain herself as Talia pulled her shirt down.

"It's weird to think about their futures, you know?" She sighed. "Like what will the world be like once they're grown up? Will we still be here? Will there still be walkers? Danger? Or will society have been rebuilt somehow?"

"Hard to say," Daphne replied. "I think we just need to take things one day at a time."

Her companion nodded in agreement.

The blonde noticed some framed photos on the side table. "You have a camera?"

"Oh, some people have Polaroids kicking around, but those are from Colin, our resident journalist," Talia explained. "He worked for Time magazine before all this and is determined to document everything that happens here for future generations. Or, he says, for aliens that stop by when we're all dead." She laughed at Daphne's raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. He's an odd duck. He's got some photo equipment that has been scrounged up for him, and our chemist helped him build a functioning darkroom. He tries to conserve his supplies, but also wants to make sure that everyone has at least one photo of themselves."

"That's sweet." Daphne smiled at the family picture of Talia, Primo, and their two round faced munchkins. They looked maybe four and two, and Talia was clearly pregnant. "A chemist, too?"

"Negan collects people."

"What's he like?" Daphne blurted it out before thinking; she'd been trying not to seem too eager for information with the others. This woman's kind nature seemed to put her at too much ease.

"He's terrifying," Talia admitted thoughtfully, "but charming. He's unpredictable, but the one constant that I can tell is that he cares for his people. He and the Saviors defend this place fiercely. I know some of what they do might not be... terribly moral. But he does what he has to to keep us safe and actually living a life instead of just surviving, you know?"

Daphne nodded. She did know. She'd been watching these people.

"Some think he's completely insane," Talia continued, "but I think you have to be to be a leader. The one that has to make all the hard decisions."

Lily snorted a loud snore and both women chuckled.

"I think that's your cue to get some rest." Daphne stood. "I can come by in the morning and help you get everyone down to breakfast, if you need?"

"You're a savior." Talia sighed thankfully, and then they shared another laugh.

"Maybe someday." Daphne smiled, and as she left the little apartment she silently assured herself that it would be someday soon.

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ