LXX • Nostalgia the II, Esquire

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"And it is on this day, that we celebrate the union of kingdoms, the union of communities, and the union of hearts and souls," Ezekiel said, to thunderous applause throughout the packed courtyard. He raised his right hand, interlocked with Letty's fingers, and she actually blushed as he ran his lips across her knuckles.

Simon and a few of the Saviors sitting with him hooted at her, and she tried to scowl at them, failing as a goofy smile broke through on her face. The King stepped down from his throne, putting him next to Rick and Negan, the trifecta of leaders representing the three sectors of surrounding land.

Ezekiel shook Negan's hand, and then Rick's, and then the two of them turned to each other. The Alexandrian pursed his lips at the Sanctuary King's smirk, but they shook nonetheless, and not a single ass was in its seat at that moment.

After all the bloodshed, all the vengeance, all the pain, these two men shaking hands was a relief to many. The sign of a new beginning of peace.

"Should we see how bad they'd shit their drawers if we fuckin' hug?" Negan asked.

Rick scoffed. "Don't even think about it." He put up a hand and the Savior King barked a laugh, patting him on the shoulder. They let go of each other and Ezekiel moved between them, an arm around each man.

"Tonight we feast!" he bellowed. "And on the morrow, we begin a new era!"

People began mingling about, bringing plates to the central tables that were piled with food. The band struck up on the far side where there was a modest dance floor, and a bar table set up. It was a veritable reception.

Negan looked over the heads of the crowd, searching for the familiar head of blonde hair that had been wrapped around him for much of the day. When he spotted Regina hugging a lithe woman in a familiar-looking crimson dress, he stepped down from the riser and into the crowd.

The bodies parted just enough for him to stalk through, comfortable and predatory in his signature white tee and freshly-cleaned leather jacket. He reached the group just in time to hear Nicola curse, and a lopsided grin erupted on his face at the sight of her stitching a fold on the back of Daphne's dress.

"Had you fucking taken care of your shit I wouldn't be chasing yer arse around with a needle and fucking thread..." the older woman grunted.

"It was in one piece when I left it here," Daphne protested with a chuckle. "Lord knows who wore it after I went on my merry way."

Nicola didn't reply, simply straightening as Negan approached.

"Yeah, I don't think Ezekiel let anyone else wear it, liar," Frankie teased, snaking an arm around Regina's waist.

Daphne playfully narrowed her eyes. "Traitor."

"Two blondes and two redheads, what did I do so fuckin' right?" Negan drew his bottom lip between his teeth as Daphne turned, the swell of her breasts practically leaping from the top of the dress.

"Oh wouldn't that be a fun time?" Regina trilled a laugh. "Fancy a tussle, Nicola?"

"Don't include me in your depraved fantasies, miscreants," the seamstress growled and took her leave. She did, however, squeeze Negan's arm on the way by, and he smiled. She was amongst one of the many faces he was happy to see made it out of the Sanctuary alive.

Frankie tugged Regina away towards one of the food tables as Negan raked his eyes over his woman in red.

"That dress looks mighty fuckin' familiar." He smirked as he held out a hand to her, and her eyes twinkled with mischief as she took it.

"I believe your words were 'It better be in one piece so I can rip it off you.'" Daphne grinned as his free arm encircled her back, pulling her flush against him. She arched slightly, her cleavage practically exploding against his chest, enjoying the fire in his amber eyes.

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now