XXIII • New World Order

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Daphne hopped down from the exam table in the infirmary, a vial of ointment in hand. Ariadne removed her nitrile gloves.

"Just keep it as clean as possible," she said, "we've got enough to do without having to deal with self inflicted infections."

"Understandable," Daphne agreed. "How are they doing?" She turned her eyes on the woman in the corner, who was one of the ones they'd rescued the day before. Amber was checking her back, dressed in full scrubs with her long blonde hair woven up into a tight bun.

"Okay, given the circumstances. They are very grateful, if that's what you're asking," Ariadne said wryly.

"That's not what I'm asking." Daphne narrowed her eyes at the short nurse. "I'm worried about their health and mental state. And what they need going forward."

The brunette's eyes softened. "Sorry, it's been a long night." She crossed her arms. "Right now we're just focusing on keeping them comfortable. Three of them are pregnant."

Daphne blinked at her. She hadn't considered that, but it had been bound to happen.

"Only one of the three wants to keep the baby," Ariadne added, answering the unspoken question. "We don't have a safe way to abort the other two, so we're hoping they agree to stay and carry out the pregnancy. There are many women here that would jump at the chance to have a baby."

Daphne nodded. "I would imagine so. And at this point in the world, we really need a next generation." She smiled at Amber who glanced her way, and then quickly averted her gaze.

"Some of them are wanting to go home, but I'm not sure of the logistics of that," Ariadne continued. "Or if they even have a home to go back to."

"I'll get Colin to drop off some of his intake forms, if you can get them to fill them out," Daphne offered. "Then for the ones that want to go home, we can scout out where they're from and see if it's safe. I'd rather that then just shoving them out the door with nothing."

"Okay." The nurse nodded. "Thank you." She paused, and then spoke softly. "And thank you for Amber. We've missed her. I'm glad she got back here before doing something that endangered herself and Mark."

Daphne blinked at her. "I didn't do anything."

"You did enough," Ariadne replied. "Now go on, I have to prep for another patient."

"I'm glad the doc has you guys," Daphne said with a smile, and then left the infirmary. She headed to breakfast, feeling surprisingly good considering the amount of alcohol she'd imbibed the night before.

She'd crashed on Arat's couch, pretty much passing out as soon as her head hit the pillow. When she'd groaned and rolled over in the morning, Arat was already gone but had left her a bottle of water and a few pills on the coffee table.

Whatever the pills had been, they had taken the fuzzy-headedness away and after her trip to see Ariadne about her brand, Daphne's stomach was growling.

When she entered the mess hall, Paula waved her over. The whole crew was there, the kids piled on top of Primo, who had oatmeal in his hair. Talia was nursing the baby, and Molly motioned to a plate beside her.

"Thanks," Daphne said as she sat next to the older woman. "You guys didn't have to get my breakfast."

"Wasn't sure if you'd be able to see straight after all those shenanigans last night." Molly grinned.

"Oh no worries, I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed," Daphne said before diving into her food.

"Good, we've got a long drive today," Paula put in.

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