XXXIII • Family

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"So what's your story, morning glory?" Regina asked as she adjusted the rear view mirror for her Amazonian height.

"Didn't you get my story from Michelle?" Daphne raised an eyebrow, reclining her seat a bit. She spread the map out on her lap, to double check their route. She'd swapped with Simon to make sure she had Mel's house. She hoped she could find what the woman was looking for, so she'd decide to stay to raise her baby.

"I got that you ditched a community to ride off with Simon because you wanted Negan's kickass crew to run amok with." Regina put a finger to her chin for a thoughtful effect. "What I'm having a hard time reconciling is that the same girl that stone cold sold out Dwight and Sherry is also a social justice warrior for a bunch of rape victims. Who are you?"

Daphne blinked, more than a little surprised. She could ask the same thing. The bubbly woman that had been poking fun at her all morning was a far cry from someone who wanted to have this serious conversation about motivations.

She took a deep breath. "I don't really know how to answer that."

"It's not that I think you've done wrong," Regina continued. "It's just a little unsettling how integrated you've become in such a short time. These people are my family, you understand?"

"I do." Daphne nodded. "I guess it's just hard to explain. I spent a lot of time not wanting to deal with people that couldn't protect themselves. I've been alone mostly, because I was just looking out for myself. I took a chance with Simon because it felt like the Sanctuary could offer me a place amongst strong people that weren't just surviving, but thriving. And I was right. The Saviors are a badass bunch and Negan has built the closest thing to society than I've seen so far." She licked her lips and took a deep breath. "I wanted to be a part of that. I didn't want to just be some worker, letting others protect me. I wanted to be a part of the elite. And I lucked out, finding my way in and taking out betrayers in the process. At first I did it to secure myself a cushy position, but after meeting Negan...

"After getting to know people, Saviors and workers alike, and seeing the way the Sanctuary really works... I've realized that the people that live here are just as strong as the rest of us, because they've chosen this life for themselves. They've chosen to live under Negan and have a life, trusting us to keep them safe and fed. Having that kind of responsibility... seeing how it affects people... I understand now that it's just as important to take care of people as it is myself." Daphne let out a whoosh of breath, surprised at herself. She hadn't really reconciled any of that in her own head, and she couldn't deny it felt good.

"And fucking the boss, of course," Regina added with a devious glint in her eye, and just like that, the tension in the car melted away.

Daphne couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, that's an unexpected perk."

"So, now that I know you're loyal to the cause, I need your opinion on something," the mohawked lieutenant pulled a small box from the side pocket of her khakis. "Arat likes it, but she's not like a girly girl, so..."

Daphne took the box and opened it, jaw dropping at the glittering ring inside.

"Well?" Regina pressed, sounding nervous.

The blonde held it up to the sunlight. "Jesus, it's beautiful." It was a rose gold band with five diamonds delicately set into it.

"Isn't it?" Regina blurted excitedly. "I've been tearing apart jewellery stores for months! Gavin had a good haul of stuff for me to pick through when I picked up his load yesterday, and I knew this was the one as soon as I saw it."

Daphne closed the box and slipped it back into her companion's pocket. "It's perfect. Michelle is going to love it. When are you proposing?"

"I was going to wait until the end of the month when my crew goes back to the outpost but I don't think I can." Regina was practically vibrating with excitement. "Though we can't have the wedding until their month is done. Negan's got a security team to watch the outpost for a week so we can all be here for it."

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now