XXVIII • Fruit

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Negan broke their kiss when it became too painful for him to keep his softening cock inside of her. He slipped out, eliciting a small squeak of discomfort from the blonde he'd just thoroughly fucked. 

Daphne went limp in his arms. "-egotistical bastard-" 

He caught half of what she was muttering, and he chuckled, grinning wolfishly down at her, turning her towards him.

"You fucking love it," he whispered, nipping at her lips, and she slapped him weakly on the cheek.

She did. She did fucking love it. She'd thought having sex with him would get it out of her system and they could just carry on as King and Savior, but she was craving him even more now and the force of it scared her.

"I hate to cut short our pillow talk, doll, but we've got a fuckin' audience ready to riot." Negan pointed to the impressive group of walkers ambling ever closer up the road.

Daphne gave her head a mental shake and stood up on jello legs, hissing softly as she pulled her jeans back up over her very tender lower half. She glared playfully at his smirk and jogged around to the passenger side of the car.

He retrieved his jacket and Lucille, the latter who had fallen back down to the pavement with the force of their thrusting against the hood. "Hope the fuckin' suspension is still intact," he declared jovially as he slid into the driver's seat, and revved the engine.

Daphne gazed at the definition in his arm as he shifted, the relaxed grin on his face as the car leapt forward to take them home. The glint of the silver hairs in his beard in the sunlight seemed to reflect the warmth of her entire body, and she stretched her legs out, crossing them at the ankle.

"I'm not one of your simpering whores in a black dress," she said, breaking the silence. "Sitting around painting my nails waiting for you to tell me what to do."

"No, you're my fuckin' Lieutenant, waiting around for me to tell you what to do." His eyes twinkled mischievously as he glanced at her and she scowled. "I understand, strawberry, no fuckin' worries. What we did, and how we fuckin' did it, doesn't change your job or status or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I won't be stifling your badassery by locking you in a tower with the rest of my 'simpering whores', as you so fuckin' eloquently put it."

Daphne relaxed, thankful he'd caught her drift. "Thank you."

"Though if you wanted to wear a sexy little black dress I wouldn't fuckin' complain." Negan drew his bottom lip between his teeth and she flicked his ear hard with her index finger.

As it turned out, the bag of avocados had survived the fray. They sat together on the tailgate of Robin's truck, cutting into the fruit with a Swiss Army knife. Daphne moaned at the feel of the smooth green fruit in her mouth. She'd never thought she'd get to have one again, and she savoured every bite.

"Fuck, I'm going to miss these." Negan sighed, slicing open the skin of the fourth avocado. There had been five, and he'd decided to bring the last one back for Simon.

"Did Robin have family?" she asked, tossing pits and skins into the bushes. She crossed her legs and winced at the tenderness of her lower half.

"Not that I know of," her leader replied thoughtfully. "But that doesn't mean someone won't come fuckin' lookin'."

She motioned to the blood strewn across the pavement. "They might think you did this."

"Then they can come find me and we'll set the record fuckin' straight." Negan shrugged and hopped down, turning to look inside the back of the station wagon.

Daphne looked down at the last avocado half in her hand, and then let out a groan of dismay.

"What's the fuckin' problem, doll?" he asked from the backseat, rifling through a bag of tools.

"When we got here the first time you said 'fruits of our labour'," she whined, putting her hand to her head. He barked a laugh and she groaned again. "You made that pun on purpose, didn't you?"

"Shit yeah, babe," he replied with a grin.

She threw an avocado pit at him. "Ugh, you're such a loser."

Daphne drove Robin's truck back to the Sanctuary, struggling to keep up with the Lamborghini but managing to stay on course. When the compound loomed in the distance, her heart fluttered a little. She was surprised at how good it felt to be home. 

Because this was home.

As she waited for the front gate to open, she noticed two familiar looking corpses chained to either side. Dwight and Sherry snarled at her as she passed, forever protecting the Sanctuary that killed them.

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now