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"Gavin Daphne, Daphne Gavin." Negan pointed Lucille between his companion and his Lieutenant, and the latter eyed the bat.

"Busy day there, boss?" Gavin asked, noting the blood covered barbed wire.

"Oh, we're just getting fuckin' started." Negan grinned, leaning back and spreading his arms. "Bunch of dickless rapists have a harem of slave girls in the woods. Not only are they encroaching on my territory—which is just not fucking cool—they're kidnapping, torturing and killing local ladies. Which is fucking unacceptable."

"Jesus." Gavin looked horror struck and Daphne took in the lines on the man's face. He looked like he'd been around the block a few times, perhaps even before the apocalypse. His face hardened with determination, and she saw pure Lieutenant there, a man with a mission.

She looked over the rest of his crew of eight men and five women, all of them armed to the tits. A long haired surfer looking guy leered when her gaze fell on him, and she fought the urge to smash him in the face.

"We stealth in and bootfuck all of those assholes," Negan said, his commanding presence drawing all attention. "I want as many alive as possible. I want their deaths to be slow as fucking molasses. Hurt them, disarm them, and herd them like sheared fuckin' sheep."

He turned to lead the way, and Daphne fell into step beside Gavin, who unsheathed an impressively large shotgun as they started to walk.

"I don't know if I've seen you before," he said in a conversational tone, as if they weren't clomping off to murder a bunch of people. "Where were you promoted from?"

"Just finished my probation." She smiled.

His eyebrows rose into his hairline. "You must have come in with a bang," he said, and she nodded.

She caught surfer dude staring in her periphery and narrowed her eyes.

"I could make you come with a bang," he licked his lips and she wanted to gag.

"Shut the fuck up, Jared," Gavin snapped, and surfer dude scowled, but didn't say anything more.

Negan put a hand up to signal silence and the group spread out into a quiet little fan, moving through the trees like a wolf pack hunting prey.

Negan and Daphne curled behind the same tree as the previous time. He grasped Lucille tightly and raised his hand, lowering each finger in succession. When he clenched his fist, the Saviors leapt into the clearing, bullets flying immediately.

The Nomads had no time to react, and several hit the dirt, clutching kneecaps. Time seemed to slow as screams echoed in the air, and Daphne lunged forward to kick a gun from a fallen Nomad's hand.

She swung and fired again, her bullet finding its mark in a fur covered hip. Lucille swung into the back of the surprised man's calves, and Negan caught the victim's wrist on the way down, relieving him of his weapon.

Drak dove for the nearest trailer's door, having kicked his new woman off of the deck. Gavin beat him to it and smashed his face with the butt of the shotgun, sending him staggering back. Negan caught hold of his hair and jerked him down, pressing a black boot to his throat.

He sneered down at the fallen self proclaimed king. "Well hello there, sweet cheeks."

The Saviors were already rounding up wounded men, some of them bursting into the three trailers to scout any stragglers. Daphne ducked into the middle one, gun raised, but the only inhabitant was a blindfolded woman bound to the bed. Her arms and legs were covered in purple bruises.

"Please..." she whimpered. "Please help us..." Daphne's blood boiled, and she poked her head back out the door.

"Are we clear?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," Gavin replied as he shoved the last Nomad into the center of the clearing. Daphne turned to the Savior she'd followed in, a lean man with short honey brown hair.

"Untie her," she instructed, "and be gentle about it." She stepped back outside to see a few of the female Saviors were freeing women from the trees.

"You and your cockless puppies ruined my fuckin' day," Negan was saying to a red faced Drak, still trapped under the leather clad man's boot. "But I like to look on the bright side of the horse's ass. I'm glad you dickholes wandered into my territory. Hell, I'm positively gleeful! Do you know why?"

Drak clawed at his captor's calf, struggling to breathe. Negan eased up his foot a bit, not wanting to kill him just yet.

"If you hadn't have made the incredibly stupid decision to come here, you'd still be out there, a'pillagin' and rapin' like a bunch of fuckin' pirates." He leaned down on his knee casually, like a teacher in an after school special. "Would have liked it better if your fuckpuppies hadn't put their greasy paws all over my Lieutenant. But shit, they did, and I guess it's just more fuel for the fuckin' fire."

He ran Lucille down Drak's cheek, leaving scratches in her wake. He cringed, but didn't look nearly scared enough. Daphne didn't think his men looked scared enough either. She met Negan's gaze and could see he agreed.

"This here's Lucille," he purred. "She is vastly fuckin' offended by sexual violence, and you really, really don't want to go offending her." He stepped off of Drak and both Daphne and Gavin moved forward to haul him to his knees.

"Fuck you," Drak wheezed, gasping for air, and Gavin shattered his cheekbone with his trusty shotgun.

"No fuckin' thank you, I don't swing that way." Negan smirked as he swooped Lucille in a wide arc. "Lucille's interested in your needle dick, though." He scooped up a log from beside the fire and stood it up in front of the kneeling man.

Drak's face went completely pale as it sunk in what was going to happen, and a few of the kneeling Nomads moaned in horror.

"Why don't you start by pulling it out, hm?" Negan leaned down, a sly smile playing his lips, eyes icy calm. "It's okay to obey me and not like it. In fact, I'll enjoy it more if you don't."

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now