VXI • Bootfucked

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Daphne ran through the forest as quickly as she could without making too much noise, speeding up at the sound of shouting and more gunfire. She crept behind a thick tree as she spotted a man wearing furs taking cover in some bushes.

"Come on out, fucknuts!" Negan bellowed, and Daphne stifled a giggle. She found his dirty mouth terribly entertaining.

She took aim and shot the creeper in the thigh and he screamed, swinging his gun around. She ducked behind the tree as a barrage of bullets flew past her.

She dove out to fire again but his gun was jammed, so she stalked towards him.

"Over here," she called, and kicked the weapon out of the enemy's hand.

Negan appeared to her left, swinging a bloody Lucille back and forth like a child with a toy. He was spattered with red, eyes alight with the glee of the fight.

"Ah, I see you've met my new lieutenant." The leather clad man grinned. "You cock knockers interrupted her fuckin' initiation."

"That's okay, I think killing all of his buddies was a pretty solid initiation," Daphne smirked at the bleeding man on the ground, and fear flashed through his eyes. She pulled the rope from around her neck and tied it into a noose. "I owe you a rope," she said to Negan as she slung the bloody fabric around their captive's neck.

"I'm looking forward to it," Negan replied.

"J-just kill me," the leashed man begged, wincing at the pain in his leg.

"Oh, no." Daphne leaned down to look him in the eye. "See, your nasty cavemen buddies tried to take my lady friend with the intent to rape her. You're going to come meet her, and apologize on behalf of your dickless comrades. Then you're going to tell us everything about where you come from, or you'll really be begging for death."

She jerked on the rope and he staggered forward with a sob. She turned to motion for Negan to follow her, and saw his eyes hard, fist clenched around a very still Lucille.

"I'm going to take my fucking time killing you," he promised, complete malice in his eyes.

Daphne was impressed by his reaction to her words, her heart swelling a little at his protectiveness of his team.

"The others are waiting in the jeep," she prompted, dragging their charge behind them. She stopped short when she entered a clearing that looked like a massacre had taken place. Five dirty corpses clad in fur, none of which had any semblance of a head.

She envisioned a thrilled Negan, maniacal grin on his face, smashing Lucille about like whack a mole. She turned to him, raising an amused eyebrow, and he returned her a sheepish glance.

"Idiots didn't know who they were fuckin' ambushing," he drawled, and she shook her head at his ego, stepping over the first body. "What, did you think I was just a pretty face?" He grinned and she rolled her eyes.

They met Arat at the tree line, jeep running. Simon gave a little salute with a bloody hand, holding a compress to his wound with the other.

"They fuckin' shot Simon too?" Negan kicked their captive in the back of the thigh so that he fell to his knees. "This was supposed to be." Kick to the stomach. "A relaxing!" Kick. "Fucking!" Kick. "Morning!" He booted the fur clad guy in the face, splattering blood along the grass.

Paula and Arat joined Daphne and their leader in a circle around the sobbing beaten man. Arat knelt, with a map in her hands.

"Where do you live?" Her voice was hard. He shook his head and Paula snatched his hand, bending his pinky backward until it snapped in two.

His agonized scream caused crimson drool to dribble down his chin.

"Where do you live?" Arat asked again, tone level.

Paula grabbed his hair and forced him to look at the paper. He reached up, shaking, with his good hand and pointed at a spot about fifteen miles out.

"Liar," Paula grunted, and broke his ring finger with a creak and pop. "There's nothing over there, we've a trade route through that area."

"It's our camp!" the man cried, trying to yank his hand out of her grasp to no avail. "We have t-trailers... we t-travel..."

"How long will they stay there?" the redhead demanded.

"A f-few days more, to re..." he trailed off with a hiss as she bent his middle finger in warning.

"To what?" she barked.

"Replenish our s-stock," he cried, and then screeched as she busted that finger as well.

"I'd be willing to bet stock as in women, huh?" She sneered darkly. "Because 'you only got use for bitches', right?" At his sobbing nod she slammed his arm down over her knee, fracturing his wrist, ignoring the pain in her tender shoulder.

Arat kicked him in the face and he fell towards Daphne, who yanked him up by the hair.

"I told you that you were going to apologize on behalf of your dickless comrades," she said sternly.

He just continued to cry, blood running from his nose.

Negan brought Lucille down on the captive's good leg, relishing in the spray of crimson. "Apologize to the fuckin' lady," he demanded.

"I'm sorry!" the broken man screamed, eyes wildly staring at Paula. "I'm so fucking sorry!"

She grinned wildly as her boot connected with his chest. "Apology not accepted."

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now